Tiger whispered something to Chesnaught, the Pokemon moved to the
side to try and keep Mira hidden. "It's him just wait until Tiger
gets Smokey to leave" the Pokemon whispered lowly. Smokey blinked,
"alright,meet you haven't seen Tidal,,and Mira have you?" Smokey
asked simply.
Smokey blinked and looked up. Tiger sighed in annoyance. "No I
haven't seen them, uh we should really head back" the boy said.
Smokey nodded and began to walk away. Towards town "I'm coming, and
Tiger's with me. He hasn't seen Tidal, or Mira yet" Smokey said as
he headed back. Chesnaught, and Tiger sighed in relief once Smokey
had walked off toward town.
"Thank goodness your alright! Are you hurt? Did any of those
hostages dare hurt you?" Loretta asked in a concerned tone.
"Loretta...i'm sure he's fine." Amy said.
"Why did you go out for a walk? Your injured and a pokemon or one
of the hostages might make it worst." Loretta panicked some
Amy said,"Loretta calm down,your overreacting."
Tiger shook his head slightly, to Mika's answer. "I was restless,
and I had Chesnaught on me" the boy replied simply with a sigh. "I
wouldn't have gone for a walk, if I knew I would have gotten hurt"
the boy finished he tried not to remember the hyper beam he had
"Next time don't scare me like that." Loretta sighed. She hops on
Hydreigon again."I'm gonna look for the hostages, let me know if
there is an emergancy."
Mira falls asleep in the ground.
Loretta said,"Knock them out without killing them."
Mira heard noises and woke up. Darn it! I wanted to sleep, she
thought. She was quietly walking away.