Snow looked up slightly, and sighed "Weepinbell used razor leaf on
him once or twice" the boy stated simply. He then looked at Mira
and sighed, "and Pikachu shocked him" the boy lied on the last
Loretta pinched Snow's ear very hard and said,"If I catch you
hurting my friends,you are gonna have the biggest regret in your
Opal covered her eyes and said,"Was it necessary to do that
"Why should I tell you my name?" She scowled.
"I'll send Aqua out she'll cut the other side of your oh so
precious hair if you don't?"
"Fine. It's Tidal.
"I met heard this one team aqua admin named Shelly." Loretta
"Wait what? I mean why is your name has something to do with
water?"Amy said face-palming her mistake.
Opal came out of the kitchen and said,"Are you hostages
"I am." Mira replied.
"Alright then." Opal hands half a toast to Mira,who ate it all.
"I'm still surprised she still eat it without her hands." Loretta
Amy made a braid in Tidal's hair.
"Well, at the time of when I was born, we were living near a beach,
so my name is inspired by that." Tidal says. "And what are you
doing with my hair?"