"I'm tough, and I can survive a day without food." Tidal
Aqua just stared at Tidal, really offended. "Osha! Oshawott! Wott
wott osha! Oshawott! (After calling me that! No! And you are an
enemy, why would I help you anyway?!)
Mika picked up Aqua and glared at Tidal. "How dare you talk to my
Pokemon that way?!"
Mira said, "Are we there yet?"
"No." Amy said.
Opal looked at Mira and said,"So why your with Snow?"
"Opal! Not yet! Ask something else."
Opal looked at Snow and said,"Guys,are you sure he's okay? He
hasn't woke up yet."
Lion looked over, and sighed. "He should be fine, but just in case"
the boy said. He then nodded to Smokey who looked at Venusaur the
grass Pokemon then licked the grunt jokingly. Snow opened his eyes
and growled in disgust, "gross what the heck was that for" the
grunt said in a growl. "Oh good you're alright" Smokey said as he
was trying not to laugh. "I think my Venusaur likes you, Snow"
Smokey stated. Lugia just sighed and shook his head in disbelief.
Opal said to Snow,'Hi,I'm Opal. You must be Snow right?"
Amy said,"Yeah,become friends with the enemy it solves
Opal ignored her sister.
"Hey! I'm talking to you sis." Amy said,but Opal still ignored.
"Congrats you made her so upset she starts to ignore you." Loretta
Snow sighed, but didn't respond. Smokey sighed, "hey I see NewBark
from here, we should land in a minute" the boy stated from where he
was. Snow blinked, "NewBark?" The grunt stated, he sighed and
remembered the last time he had been there.
"Yeah, I'm Snow" the grunt replied lowly. Smokey nodded, and looked
at Flygon, and Lugia the two of them began to dive down to toward
NewBark. Lion sighed and answered the poke watch "hello?" He asked.
"Name's Mira if you didn't noticed." She said.
Opal said,"I feel a lot guilty about hurting you."
'Why feel guilty?"Amy asked.
"Becuase you guys said our pokemon will attack them if they don't
give an answer."
Mika looks at Lion. All of her Pokemon were in there Pokeballs,
except for Aqua, who was sitting on Tidal's lap, angrily attacking
her for what she said earlier.