Mira tell them the truth! Maybe that will make your choice easier,
Mira thought. "You know what? That was a lie. I was actually
talking to Cresselia in my dreams." Mira said.
"Volt, use thunder wave on this girl and return her to her dreams,
maybe she would remain quiet then" Victor said, calling out his
raichu." Anyway, Cressila are, according to me, good pokemon, it
could probably guide you to the right path. Quick,flare, increase
your speed. So that we can go to Elm faster. Hoeen is not the
perfect region to hatch eggs just now." The charizard obeyed.
"Woah woah woah!" Mika yells, jumping in front of Mira. "You do NOT
electrocute people for no reason!"
"Pika! Pika pika pikachu pi! (Yeah! That's my job!)" Kiki says to
"Ok, so what else can queiten this thunderstorm," Victor said,
pointing to the girl."Unless anyone has a pokemon who knows sleep
powder. Volt, stop" Victor suggested," raichu, you can still stay
out to mind this girl and enjoy the wind. Don't hesitate to use
thunder if she goes overboard!"
Suddenly, Victor's bag gave off a light."When will we reach johto?
I cannot keep an egg for all this time in such cold conditions."
Victor said, worrying.
"Yeah and if I die my grave would say 'RIP Mira,died because she
got hit by electric type moves way too much.'"Mira said.
"Maybe she does want to become a good person but something is
holding her back." Opal said.
"Opal your being too nice! You think of the lamest excuse to save a
bad person. It's not like we are gonna listen!"Amy snapped.
As soon as Opal heard that, tears filled her eyes. She started to
"Well your just the meanest girl I've ever seen." Loretta said to
Loretta yelled,"Whoever makes a person cry deserves to get
punished." Loretta said.
"Whatever show-off." Amy said.
After hearing that it made Loretta even angrier. "Listen after what
I did to Lapras, I wanted to make up for what I did! And now what
can't because I can't stand you talking like your some sort of
"Please don't fight. We are a TEAM with a capital T we must
put up with each other. I don't know of this,this, tidal but rest
of us are in a team for a mission to save the whole REGION!" Victor
said, exasperated.
Victor's bag began glowing. He took out the egg. The egg gave of a
bursting aura."What is happening?" Victor said. The egg cracked and
gave off a blinding light! " it's hatching! Flare use heat wave!"
Victor commanded. The light disappeared and a small pokemon
hatched."It's a , its a pink coloured dratini! , a shiny
dratini! I can't believe this!" Victor exclaimed. " Now can we stop
fighting? We have a new team member here!"