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The Path to saving the Hoenn Region. (No longer accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP The Path to saving the Hoenn Region. (No longer accepting)
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:13 (9 Years ago)
"Where are Tiger and the others..." Mika asks herself. She then walks back inside. "Do you guys have a flying Pokemon I can borrow? I wanna see if I can find him."
"Ow!" Tidal groans. "It's not like Pokemon have feelings or anything!"
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:15 (9 Years ago)
Mira noticess Snow frozen."Snow!" She yelled. She looked at Luxray."Luxray, attack that Feraligator!"
Luxray used Thunder Bolt on Feraligator.
Mira smiled,"This should make an advantage. "
Loretta pinched Tidal's ear harder and said,"They do,your being heartless."
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:17 (9 Years ago)
"Oh yeah? As if Pokemon aren't like that too!" Tidal snaps. "You've probably never been randomly attacked by a Pokemon when you were younger, like I have!"
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:18 (9 Years ago)
Smokey growled, "and I suppose neither does humans? You just made a punching bag out of my brother" Smokey snapped and yelled angrily. He looked at Venusaur, "Venusaur lets show this fish that Pokemon have feelings" the trainer growled, he then touched the stone on his neck. The Pokemon mega evolved and growled he then used an earthquake on the field. Feraligatr got hit with the move and grunted, he then used a superpower on Luxray.

Lugia landed outside the center. It had gotten Charizard, and Tiger, "I wish I could take you back to Elm...he'd be able to help you" the legend said lowly and sat down. "All we need to do is wait for the others, once they come back we'll fly back home instantly. Just hang in there" Lugia said and looked at the sky.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:23 (9 Years ago)
Loretta talked in a more cruel tone,"Or you've never now what its like to leave your friends behind...."
Luxray used Thunder Bolt on Loretta before fainting.
"Ahh!" Loretta s creamed in pain.
"There's screaming! Someone's in danger!" Opal grabbed Mika's hand and started running where the sound was coming from.
"Good job Luxray." Mira said.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:25 (9 Years ago)
Tidal had a flashback.
A small little girl was playing on the swings, then the bush rustled. She stopped, confused, she walked towards the bush. A sneasel came out. "Ooh! A Pokemon! Aren't you cute?!" The little girl says, grabbing the Pokemon and hugging it. The Pokemon jumped away, and scratched her arm, and jumped back into the bushes, leaving the girl crying.
"I still have proof Pokemon are heartless!" Tidal says, showing them a large scar on her arm.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:29 (9 Years ago)
"Loretta! Hang in there" Smokey said quickly he then glared at Loretta. "Go ahead and think what you want" the boy said, "Pokemon aren't heartless" I need to get rid of these jerks Smokey thought swiftly as Loretta got hit. The boy took a step in front of the other trainer. Poliwrath, and Weepinbell got hit with earthquake, Poliwrath fainted as well as Pikachu. Snow narrowed his eyes, "Weepinbell use razor leaf now" the pokemkn nodded and used razor leaf, Feraligatr fainted. Now's my chance Smokey thought as he saw the sun come through the clouds. It was intense as of a Pokemon used sunny day, "Dragonite, Venusaur combine your moves, use solar beam and dragon breath now" smokey said the Pokemon nodded and used the combo. Snow got hit, as well as his Pokemon. The boy then growled and returned his Pokemon. "You win this time Smokey" the grunt growled, and looked at the others "retreat, they're to strong we'll best them another time"
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:31 (9 Years ago)
Loretta fell to the ground after getting hit by Luxray.
Mira clapped after seeing Loretta fall."One down and one more to go."
Opal was still holding Mika's hand."Hey Mika do you think it's a good idea to see where the screaming was from?"
Amy followed Opal and said, "Hey sis! Don't leave me behind!"
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:35 (9 Years ago)
"Yeah, we should investigate.." Mika says.
"Okay! Okay!" Tidal yells, retreating.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:38 (9 Years ago)
Snow growled, he grunted and got to his feet. "Smokey this isn't over" the boy stated. Venusaur growled and used razor leaf. The Pokemon nodded and used the move, snow got hit and crashed into Poliwrath where he then collapsed and passed out.

Tiger was in a dream while he was passed out. As he looked around the dream he saw what seemed to be an endless fight. "Stop fighting" the boy said as he ran to a cliff side, once he got to the side he saw a Kyogre being forced to fight Lugia. Lugia was loosing the fight, "Lugia no" Tiger said in shock he slid down the cliffside and got covered in mud. "No...don't give up you'll be fine" Lugia said as if he were debating to keep going. Tiger then got hit by a hydro pump and forced out of the dream, and into a black void where there was no dreams.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:40 (9 Years ago)
Opal and Amy ran to the direction the scream was coming from. They see Smokey and others.
Mira said,"Oh look more company."
"Loretta? Are you okay?" Opal said.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:42 (9 Years ago)
Smokey growled and glared at Mira, "you lost, Snow can't fight anymore, Tidal retreated. You're out of Pokemon now leave" the boy snapped at Mira. "Before you regret what you've done" Smokey finished Venusaur and Dragonite were standing side by side now they were readying to use a move.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:48 (9 Years ago)
"What's going on here?!" Mika says, running over with Opal and Amy.

At the Pokemon center, Aqua and Leafi were playing a game of chess.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:51 (9 Years ago)
Mira yelled,"Maybe you don't know what it feels like to be abandoned! Maybe you don't know what it feels like to be alone!"
"Abandoned?" Opal said.
"Mind your own business!" Mira snapped. Then she was hit and passed out.
"Good job Mienfoo." Amy said. She returned her pokemon back in her pokeball.
"So what do we do with her?" Opal asked.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:52 (9 Years ago)
Tidal looked at Opal, Amy and Mika. "Go away. Number one, you like, missed all the action, and this doesn't even concern you anyway!"
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:54 (9 Years ago)
"We should leave them, after all we aren't animals" Smokey muttered. He then looks at Venusaur who went back to normal. "We should head back to the center, Tiger's injured and we need to get back to Elm's lab so we can help him" Smokey said a hint of worry was in his tone. He then looked at Loretta "are you alright?" The boy asked softly.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:56 (9 Years ago)
Amy said,"Never mind!" She sends out Mienfoo again. Mienfoo used Pound on Tidal.
"Yeah,I'm alright." Loretta said weakly.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 02:58 (9 Years ago)
Smokey nodded as Dragonite used a dragon claw on Tidal. "Do you need help back to the center?" Smokey asked kindly.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 03:02 (9 Years ago)
"No thanks,I got Hydreigon." Loretta said.
"Can't we use this girl and Snow as a hostage for information?" Amy asked.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Sun, 03/01/2016 03:05 (9 Years ago)
The boy nodded reluctantly he then answered Amy "Sounds like a good idea to me" Smokey replied, he then looked at Venusaur. "Tie them up with your vines, once we get back to the center we'll use ropes to hold them hostage. At least until we get back to Johto. There we'll hold them at Elm's, and we'll get answers from them" the boy said. He then let Flygon out, and sighed. "We should head back now" the boy said softly.