(But Tiger is outside by himself. No one followed him, though
you're character can find an egg in a bush outside. And alight)
Tiger looked at the bush, he then got to his feet, and narrows his
eyes. "Someone there" the boy said in a hushed whisper. He then
heard then movement in the bush stop.
(I've said it before I'll say it again. I want to build up the plot
before we rush into a battle. I want the roleplay to have the same
style like a book where the threat seems big, but it doesn't
officially have any fights happen within the first couple chapters,
and the authors build the plot up, make the characters seem to have
dept, and emotion, and then the fight comes that way the fight
seems more meaningful and not forced. Sorry if I offended you this
is what I want)
Lion opened one eye. "Well after the sun rises we'll go, and report
to Elm in Johto. After that we'll figure out what to do next" the
boy replied.
"I don't know." victor replied puzzled. Suddenly, a light flashed
out of his bag." I think the egg is hatching!" The egg gave off an
aura and then became normal. This happened a few times and then
stopped without hatching. "I guess the egg is about to
hatch. I should use Blaze to heat it a little." Typhlosion ( aka
blaze)comes out and holds the egg to heat it.
"Thank you for the effort" Victor said, greatfully."Perhaps Prof.
Elm could tell more about it. Your fire pokemon look marvellous.
I'm a Fire type trainer. Have a look at my fire pokemon. I choose
you, Flare(chaizard) and Blaziken!
"Hoenn is too cold for this egg to hatch, you better get going to
jhoto soon" mahir said to victor then he added "Nice pokemons they
look very happy with you and they also look well trained, would you
like to have a double battle with me and my brother?" mahir asked
"Please don't you use overheat in here again you'll either burn
down the building, or even hurt the other Pokemon, and people
around here" Lion muttered lowly, "if you want to hatch the egg the
safest thing to do is go back to Johto where Elm can assist us"
Lion finished he then walked into another room, and grabbed an egg
sized machine "this should keep it warm until then" the boy stated,
and handed the machine to Victor. Smokey got up with a slight
grunt, "I'm going to look for Tiger. I'll be back as soon as
possible" Smokey said lowly he then began to walk outside.