Forum Thread
Fairy Tail rp (New! Open and accepting!)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Inactive RPs → Fairy Tail rp (New! Open and accepting!)The kingdom of Fiore. A neutral country of 17 million people. It is a world of magic. Magic is bought and sold there every day. It is an integral part of people`s lives. And there are those who use magic as their occupation. Those people are referred to as mages. The mages belong to various guilds, and perform jobs on commission. There are a large number of guilds within the country....


Fairy Tail, Sabertooth, Twilight Ogre,
Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus and Quatro Cerberus

Fairy Tail:
Natsu Dragneel - WB2
Gray Fullbuster - WB2
Hiromi Miyagi - WB2
Juvia Lockser - CometandAqua
Sangue "Sang" Bolden - Finhawk
Jade Vermont - Harmonywish
Star Lilica - Harmonywish
Sophie - ForestTrain
Lamia Scale:
Aquamarine "Aqua" Fawnish - CometandAqua
Blue Pegasus:
Annaya - Annaya
Quatro Cerberus:
Acnologia - bayuking
Frosch - Koin
Lector - Koin
Natsu Dragneel - WB2
Gray Fullbuster - WB2
Hiromi Miyagi - WB2
Juvia Lockser - CometandAqua
Sangue "Sang" Bolden - Finhawk
Jade Vermont - Harmonywish
Star Lilica - Harmonywish
Sophie - ForestTrain
Lamia Scale:
Aquamarine "Aqua" Fawnish - CometandAqua
Blue Pegasus:
Annaya - Annaya
Quatro Cerberus:
Acnologia - bayuking
Frosch - Koin
Lector - Koin

Anime character:
Dragon: (Anime/Manga dragons only!)
Own Character:
Character name:
Dragon Slayer:
Character name:
Element: (It cannot be wind, steel or fire)

Anime character:
Username: WB2
Name: Natsu Dragneel

Guild: Fairy Tail
Name: Gray Fullbuster

Guild: Fairy Tail
Dragon Slayer:
Username: WB2
Character name: Hiromi Miyagi
Age: 16
Personality: She is very temperamental and she can get angry very easily. She is daring and that`s why she gets into trouble very often. She is very kind to her friend, but if someone is annoying her, she is going to knock this someone down
History: She don`t know much about her past, but there is one thing that she remembers. She was raised by Dragon.

Element: Water
Guild: Fairy Tail
//Whew, this took long, my fingers hurt XD

Character name: Aquamarine "Aqua" Fawnish
Age: 16
Personality: Aqua is a bubbly, friendly girl who always puts in 110%. She's often shy at first, but stands up for her friends until the end.
History: Aqua really doesn't remember much up until a few days ago, but she knows she isn't from Fiore. She sure isn't from Edolas though.
Magic; Water
Guild: Lamia Scale
Name: Juvia Lockser
Guild: Fairy Tail
(About my character Aqua; she is a character I've used before in a FT RP, so I thought I'd reuse the same history and such. XD)

Character name: Sangue "Sang" Bolden
Age: 19
Personality: He's the one who stays in the backround, not drawing attention much to himself. He's quiet, calm and even a bit cold most of the time. He's not much into human interaction and usually just ignores everyone around him. He prefers to do everything all by himself and might be a bit stubborn at times.
History: Due to his weird magic, Sang was never a popular kid. Others pretty much thought he was creepy and parents didn't want their kids around him anyway. So he's been alone for the most part of his life. It's a mystery from where he learned his magic in the first place. When Sang was in his teens he joined Fairy Tail in hopes other mages wouldn't deem him so weird but it turned out he really don't know how to be with people after being alone for so long so he just quit trying.
Magic: Blood [Basically, he can control blood. (Only his own though otherwise he would be too OP.) He can shape blades, bullets or such out of his blood. However, if he loses too much blood, naturally, he dies.]
Guild: Fairy Tail

Username: Harmonywish
Character name: Star Lilica
Age: 11
Personality: Wary, Quiet, Not so trusting of other people
History: Nothing much,She was raised by wolves after being abandoned by her parents (because they thought she was a witch, being able to control animals. Is an orphan. She always travels with her wolf friend Lupa. Compelety vurnenable ^^, she can't use magic to protect herself, only to summon animals to protect her.
Lupa :
*** no purple thing! Is ice wolf C:
Compelety loyal to Star, and very strong. She was the wofl who found star and decided to take her in. When Star decided to leave the pack, she did too. Controls Ice and can shape them to anything. She can also summon ice, and can sprout wings (like happy ^^)
Magic : Controlling Animals/ having the power to speak to them
Picture: She's younger with 2 ponytails, not pigtails
Guild: Sabertooth
Shiny Pokemon I'm looking for:
*If you have time answer my poll? :3

(F) Drifloon , Quiet, Timid,
(M) Serperior, Sassy, Rash,
(M) Arcanine, Brave, Bold,
(M) Absol, Lonely
*PalPad me! Looking for evo lines and other shiny pokemon. Can't fit them here. Check my "About Me"
Character name: Sophie
Age: 9 or 10 (If 9 is not accepted.)
Personality: Quiet,Shy. But what's inside is unknown.
History: Only the people she trust gets the information.
Magic: Darkness. When she is not mad it's black. When she's made it's dark red.
Picture: She has red hair and eyes. She usually wears a black dress.
Guild: Sabertooth. Due to her dagger-like teeth.
interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)
Shiny Pokemon I'm looking for:
*If you have time answer my poll? :3

(F) Drifloon , Quiet, Timid,
(M) Serperior, Sassy, Rash,
(M) Arcanine, Brave, Bold,
(M) Absol, Lonely
*PalPad me! Looking for evo lines and other shiny pokemon. Can't fit them here. Check my "About Me"
Shiny Pokemon I'm looking for:
*If you have time answer my poll? :3

(F) Drifloon , Quiet, Timid,
(M) Serperior, Sassy, Rash,
(M) Arcanine, Brave, Bold,
(M) Absol, Lonely
*PalPad me! Looking for evo lines and other shiny pokemon. Can't fit them here. Check my "About Me"