Grey was walking through a dense forest, every once in awhile
standing up from her crawling stalk. She looked up and saw the
moon, silently floating above her.
Summer kept into a group of pokemon and smiled. "Hello there who
are you and... What's wrong?!"
Absol looked at Summer,"We got two pokemon captured,I'm Absol."
"Well they are currently at Area 51,we don;t know where it
is."Milotic said.
"Well lets steal a map if we want to save Cincinno and
Cloudy said,"Lets not steal stuff."
Summer smiled. "Well then I'm the pokemon for the job. Think about
it. My life has been mostly pressurizing pokemon into being less
aggressive. I can probably pressurize these people into giving us
the map, possibly... I think. Wanna give it a try? If I get caught
don't worry. I'll be fine.
Berry had flown off to another tree while Rain decided to look for
food. His bright blue pelt stood out among the lush green
undergrowth. Without thinking, he impaled a juicy, small red fruit
with his horn. (Strawberries) He tilted his head and plucked it off
of his horn. He tasted it. "Th-This is good!" he squeaked, reaching
out to grab another from the bush.
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
"Absol and I will go with her."Cloudy said,"So whats your
name?"Cloudy was worried,she feared that the absol (Summer) might
tell the people where the rest of the pokemon is.
Absol says to Summer,"Did you go here alone?"
Cyndaquil sighed and sat down, he then noticed that he had gotten
hungry from the events that had happened throughout the day. "Hey
While you were flying did you find any berries or fruit plants
around" Cyndaquil asked Charizard, the Pokemon nodded and looked
off in the opposite direction where the forest got thicker. "I
thought I saw a few bushes growing some red berries, if you want I
can help you gather them" charizard replied but Cyndaquil denied
the help, "I'm going to go alone, keep your eyes out for any other
suspicious Pokemon or creatures" Cyndaquil said and ran off into
the forest once more.
Absol looked at Cloudy,"Whats wrong?"
Cloudy said,"Nothing just finding a way to tell which absol is
"Can't you tell by the voices?"
"Nevermind, lets get this over with..."
Ellie was trekking through the forest, baring her teeth at any
little real-world creature that dared come near her. The Luxray
scented the air. "It's the gosh-darned Vaporeon again," she
growled. Then she scented the air once more. "But he has...berries?
Hey! Vaporeon guy! Whatcha doing?" she called, marching over to
Rain. She looked up and saw Berry -- the Skarmory that she didn't
know the name of -- flying above them. "Hiya Rain! I see you
found...berries!" the Skarmory squawked in laughter. Ellie rolled
her eyes, trying to look cool.
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
Clover couldn't think of any tricks she could pull off here. Normal
people don't care about legendarys. Clover walked around most
people thinking she was a weirdly styled dog or fox. The others
thought she was a monster thing.
Link walked around the forest looking for clover "CLOVER, CLOVER,
Rain laughed. "You're make so many awkward jokes, Berry!" he
squeaked. "And anyway, I found these red berries. What should we do with them
besides eat them?" Ellie sighed. "Maybe, using what we have
available, we can create pouches to put them in. Like what our
trainers used?"
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
Absol heard shouting (From Link),"Who keeps yelling?!"
"Probably just argueing, don't worry Milotic will handle it."Cloudy
"I'm hungry, is there any berries?"
"I don't know."
"Can we steal food too?"
"No,we are looking for berries not stealing! Got it?"
Rain looked at Berry, who nodded in agreement. "Alright, but one
Electric-type move used on us and any friendship we make with be
forgotten." Berry flew over to a tree and began pecking at it. "I
saw this honey-like stuff come out of a tree while looking for food
earlier. It might be useful," the Skarmory called. Ellie began to
help dig out a hole. But nothing came out. "Let me try something!"
Rain called, shoving his face into the tree, and suddenly, a
yellowish-orange honey-like substance flowed out of the tree. "It's
all over my face and it tastes like honey. And it's sticky!"
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
Cloudy yawned,only for Absol to use False Swipe.
"We got no time for rest! If you wanna live then stay awake!" Absol
"At least warn me next time..."Great now I have a pokemon that will
attack me,Cloudy thought.
"Oh I'm summer. I've got a scar on my front leg see? That's how we,
my family and I, used to tell which one I was. I think I came here
alone, sadly my family were left in the 'virtual prison'." Summer
smiled at the
Summer cocked her head a bit and smiled"Well lets go see those
humans. I'm sure I can... Persuade them to give us a map. And by
that I mean pressurize them into it.
Cloudy said,"Don't worry,I know the move sing.So in case something
goes wrong cover your ears,it will make an easy getaway."
Absol looked at Summer and said,"I went to this world with
Cloudy,however I had only been with my trainer for 5 days."
"Are we at the city yet?"Cloudy asked.
Absol thought she said something mean to Summer,"I'm sorry!
Whatever I did to make you upset...."
Cloudy smacked her with her wings."Do you have to panic? What it
"Quit yelling you will attract attention."Absol snapped.
Summer sighed. "I'm sorry it's just that...... My mother and sister
were captured by trainers a few months ago... It makes me hurt to
think about trainers." She bent her head silently.