Forum Thread
~~~ My First Shop ~~~
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → ~~~ My First Shop ~~~![](
1)all ph rules
2)you can Pay
3)you have to pay first
4)Fair Offer or Highly Offer :D 8)
Water Gem - 19
Flying Gem - 11
Fairy Gem - 34
Bug Gem - 12
Rock Gem - 16
Grass Gem - 6
Ground Gem - 11
Fighting Gem - 34
Dark Gem - 4
Fire Gem - 158
Ghost Gem - 5
Steel Gem - 180
Im LF :
We Can Swap Gem My Sell Gem To My Looking For Will be 1:1 Gem are Gem
Fire Stone - 1
Leaf Stone - 2
Oval Stone - 2
Water Stone - 1
Thunderstone - 4
Moon Stone - 12
Razor Claw - 1
Razor Fang - 1
Soothe Bell - 1
Deep Sea Scale - 3
Dubious Disc - 1
Sachet - 1
Magmarizer - 1
Prism Scale - 1
Reaper Cloth - 1
Whipped Dream - 1
King's Rock - 1
Spray Duck - 4
Leaf Stone - 2
Oval Stone - 2
Water Stone - 1
Thunderstone - 4
Moon Stone - 12
Razor Claw - 1
Razor Fang - 1
Soothe Bell - 1
Deep Sea Scale - 3
Dubious Disc - 1
Sachet - 1
Magmarizer - 1
Prism Scale - 1
Reaper Cloth - 1
Whipped Dream - 1
King's Rock - 1
Spray Duck - 4
Energy Root - 1
Prison Bottle - 1
ShellBell - 1
Washing machine - 1
Splash Plate - 1
Prison Bottle - 1
ShellBell - 1
Washing machine - 1
Splash Plate - 1
Hi! I Want To Buy : gems
Quantity: all of them
Payment In : pd
Do you Read The Rules yes
250 pd for each rock, grass, ground, poison, fighting
400 pd for each bug, water, electric, dark, fire, ghost, steel, psychic
800 pd for each normal and fairy
Banner drawn by Hime-Nyan~
Quantity: 234
Payment In : PD, 188k?
Do you Read The Rules ? Yes
Nugget Goal: 1,324/8k
Quantity:5 and 11(that is all u have of those types)
Payment In :in pd (16X350=5600pd)
Do you Read The Rules ?yes
To win Landurous, Thundurous, Tornadous
Just donate what u can and get a chance to win the above legends
Summon Day Project
Mystery Boxes Project