Aqua said"but then you will break the force of nature,everything
will get destroyed if all the legendary were caught
Examples:if dialga and palkia were caught there would he a chance
of time a space would brake and there will be nothing anymore or if
giratina it could make a ton of souls get lost in their way and
turn into pokemon that some idiot would catch and slave them if his
a bad trainer or if kyogre and groudon the water and groin would
get unstable and more"
Miguel hears the word "some idiot", obviously refering to him.
Miguel grabs Aqua's shirt collar "can't you hear? I said that I
would do GOOD THINGS with them. This means, I would let Dialga,
Palkia and Giratina do their job, same with Groudon and Kyogre. And
Im not a bad trainer. Im just...kinda dumb."
aqua said"you know i am not refering to you right,since you haven't
caught a legendary yet so you can't really destroy the balance of
the nature,except if you litter"
Shade lay down on a hill, counting the stars. According to history,
Each star was a legendary pokemon, unknown and blazing through the
sky. Knight was fast asleep, at home but Shade lay there so long,
she passed out...