Forum Thread
Lost Souls - Literate - [Setup] //Closed/Private//
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Lost Souls - Literate - [Setup] //Closed/Private//
A long time ago, Pokemon lived in
peace, with the legendary Pokemon looking over the world, keeping
the peace and preforming their duties. It was a happy time, with
few bad Pokemon, and thriving communities. However, the calm was
not meant to last. When the humans started to build cities, it
wasn't completely bad. It was mostly just the building of small
towns and farms. But when civilization spread farther and farther,
the Pokemon had no place to go. Eventually there was no place of
wild left in the world, no place untouched. Pokemon were only seen
as tools, pets, or pests, no longer as companions or protectors.
Many were being used for hard labor or in labs.
The legendaries, with their respective domains covered by roads and buildings, began to fade away, even in legends. Arceus himself eventually disappeared. At first it was thought that they were gathering somewhere, and the remaining Pokemon banded together to search for the paradise the legendaries had gathered at. But after several years with no result, hope had been lost.
The legendaries had not, in fact, found paradise, but with no duties to preform, they began to lose their way, and their souls wander in hope of finding a Pokemon able to breathe life into them again.
The legendaries, with their respective domains covered by roads and buildings, began to fade away, even in legends. Arceus himself eventually disappeared. At first it was thought that they were gathering somewhere, and the remaining Pokemon banded together to search for the paradise the legendaries had gathered at. But after several years with no result, hope had been lost.
The legendaries had not, in fact, found paradise, but with no duties to preform, they began to lose their way, and their souls wander in hope of finding a Pokemon able to breathe life into them again.

1) This is a LITERATE RP, meaning you
should post at least 7 sentences with your best
2) When making a character, they cannot be a legendary. But, they do have a lengendary patron that they will discover.
3) Your character's patron can either be dwelling inside them, and your character is unaware of it, or they can meet their patron in the RP sometime.
4) No duplicate Pokemon. As popular as Eeveelutions, Lucario, etc. are, I want there to be a bit of variety in the characters.
5) Your Pokemon and their patron must share a main type.
6) Pokesonas and such are allowed, as long as they don't stray too far from the actual Pokemon design. They should at least have the coloring of the original Pokemon. (All of these Pokemon live in cities, so clothing is fine. They could originate from labs if they're a fusion, but if they are, they have the original Pokemon's typing, and can't have more than one or two minor add-ons.)
Ex. An Umbreon with Dunsparce wings (and maybe a few Dunsparce colors/designs) is fine, but an Umbreon with Dunsparce wings, Articuno tail, rainbow rings, white coloring, and Marowak skull hat is not fine.
7) The password is cake. Put this in the password section.
8 ) Phione does not count as a legendary, Manaphy does.
9) You may not have a legendary patron that is already a patron for someone else.
10) You can have up to two characters. (This does not include the legendary patrons.)
11) The cake is a lie. Leave your password section blank.
12) Shinies are allowed, as long as there's a normal:shiny ratio that at least has double the normal Pokemon over shiny Pokemon.
13) Also try to keep a balance of males and females.
2) When making a character, they cannot be a legendary. But, they do have a lengendary patron that they will discover.
3) Your character's patron can either be dwelling inside them, and your character is unaware of it, or they can meet their patron in the RP sometime.
4) No duplicate Pokemon. As popular as Eeveelutions, Lucario, etc. are, I want there to be a bit of variety in the characters.
5) Your Pokemon and their patron must share a main type.
6) Pokesonas and such are allowed, as long as they don't stray too far from the actual Pokemon design. They should at least have the coloring of the original Pokemon. (All of these Pokemon live in cities, so clothing is fine. They could originate from labs if they're a fusion, but if they are, they have the original Pokemon's typing, and can't have more than one or two minor add-ons.)
Ex. An Umbreon with Dunsparce wings (and maybe a few Dunsparce colors/designs) is fine, but an Umbreon with Dunsparce wings, Articuno tail, rainbow rings, white coloring, and Marowak skull hat is not fine.
7) The password is cake. Put this in the password section.
8 ) Phione does not count as a legendary, Manaphy does.
9) You may not have a legendary patron that is already a patron for someone else.
10) You can have up to two characters. (This does not include the legendary patrons.)
11) The cake is a lie. Leave your password section blank.
12) Shinies are allowed, as long as there's a normal:shiny ratio that at least has double the normal Pokemon over shiny Pokemon.
13) Also try to keep a balance of males and females.
More info on legendary patrons...

Legendary patrons are the souls of the
legendary that dwells inside a Pokemon. Sometimes, the legendary
will choose to lend their host a fraction of their old power, but
most times, it's all they can do just to keep their souls anchored
in a host until the host can find a suitable power source that that
the legendary soul can attach to. This "power source" varies for
each legendary. For Heatran, it might be an active volcano. For
Kyogre or Manaphy, it might be a strong underwater current. For
Zapdos, it might be a power plant. You get the idea. ;)
When a patron lends its host their power, if often results in the Pokemon being able to have small power over their legendary's domain. A Pokemon hosting Jirachi would be able to grant a wish. A Pokemon hosting Lugia would be able to calm storms. A Pokemon hosting Dialga might be able to temporarily freeze time, and Celebi would be able to travel a short distance through time.
A character meeting their patron is quite subtle, and most times Pokemon that have Patrons are often unaware of it.
Legendary patrons also have a tendancy to "possess" their Pokemon every once in a while, and when the Pokemon comes to, they often have no recollection of being possessed.
Patrons may occasionally speak to their host via telepathy. Since their soul dwells inside a Pokemon, they can read their hosts's thoughts, but might not reply to their host's actions or thoughts.
When a patron lends its host their power, if often results in the Pokemon being able to have small power over their legendary's domain. A Pokemon hosting Jirachi would be able to grant a wish. A Pokemon hosting Lugia would be able to calm storms. A Pokemon hosting Dialga might be able to temporarily freeze time, and Celebi would be able to travel a short distance through time.
A character meeting their patron is quite subtle, and most times Pokemon that have Patrons are often unaware of it.
Legendary patrons also have a tendancy to "possess" their Pokemon every once in a while, and when the Pokemon comes to, they often have no recollection of being possessed.
Patrons may occasionally speak to their host via telepathy. Since their soul dwells inside a Pokemon, they can read their hosts's thoughts, but might not reply to their host's actions or thoughts.
Read before making any new character...

Taken Legendaries:
Taken Legendaries:

Please write outside of the
bold tags.
If you're confused on "Patron Status"...
Unaware/Unknown: The host has no idea their patron's soul resides in them.
Aware/Known: The host is aware that their patron's sould resides in them.
[b]Patron Status:[/b]
If you don't want your character to have a legendary patron, just
leave both patron fields blank.[b]Name:[/b]
[b]Patron Status:[/b]
If you're confused on "Patron Status"...
Unaware/Unknown: The host has no idea their patron's soul resides in them.
Aware/Known: The host is aware that their patron's sould resides in them.
RP can be found here.

Title: Character List

Username: Death
Name: Paige
Species: Furret
Gender: Female
Patron: Arceus
Patron Status: Unaware

Personality: Rather rude, she's not typically a nice person. Always on the sarcastic side, she likes to give insults, and may say something mean or insulting without even realizing it. Deep down, she can be nice, but she chooses not to be. Even with her rude personality, she's somewhat of an optimist. She's quite creative, and likes to make up her own words for things.
Crush: None ...yet.
Other: Any of her made-up words will be posted in italics.
Password: It's a secret to everybody. (If you know what this is from, you get a tip of the hat from me.)
Username: Death
Name: Nebula
Species: Gardevoir
Gender: Male
Patron: Mesprit
Patron Status: Aware
Appearance: He wears a red scarf and bracelets.

Personality: He's usually quite calm and collected, and often regrets having evolved into a Gardevoir instead of a Gallade. He's quiet, and doesn't often speak unless spoken to first, and because he so rarely speaks, many people that meet him think he's a mute. However, if he gets mistaken for a girl because of his appearance, (even his voice sounds slightly girlish,) he tends to get a bit on the aggressive side. Nothing much, just involving yelling, attacking, and other forms of rage.
Crush: None, but PM me if you'd like.
Other: He's blind, but he still has his own way of seeing. He sees the shapes of living things (a bit like Lucario can see auras) in different colors and brightness, depending on emotions, and how strong the emotion is being felt.
Password: Nopenopenopenopenope.
Username: InfinityLove
Name: Tsukiakari (Tsuki for short)
Species: Espeon
Gender: Female
Patron: Cresselia
Patron Status: Unaware

The jewel on her forehead is pink.
Personality: She tries to come off as calm and quiet, but she mostly fails if she knows you well enough, and starts to act bubbly and happy. She knows that life isn't the best, but she can't help but have a positive outlook on things. When she needs to be serious she knows to be serious. She doesn't really have a temper, but if you mess with her friends she'll snap.
Crush: None yet/Open
Other: No...
Username: InfinityLove
Name: Yoru
Species: Zorua
Gender: Male
Patron: Darkrai
Patron Status: Unaware

Personality: He's mischievous, always playing small pranks on others and creating illusions. He looks at life like a game, doing what he wants when he wants. He can be fairly rude, but if you get to know him very well, by being stubborn and annoying him to death, you can see that he does care, and will do anything to protect his friends.
Crush: None yet/Open
Other: No...
Username: seanrc
Name: Karis
Species: Houndour
Gender: Male
Patron: Moltres
Patron Status: Aware
Appearance: Karis wears a blue amulet, given to him by his (now) deceased father. Small Dunsparce wings that can make him float for 2-7 seconds.
Personality: Silly, sometimes sad when looks at amulet. Can also get to be rude if you push him or basically harass him.
Crush: None yet
Other: N/A
Username: Mituna
Name: Maggie
Species: Mismagus
Gender: Female
Patron: Giratina
Patron Status: Known
Appearance: Just your normal Mismagius, though she does seem a little more wispy than some.
Personality: Quiet, doesn't talk unless spoken to. Unless her well being is concerned, she wouldn't even say if she disagrees with a course of action, though she may drift away from the group without any explanation. She actually pretty wise, though. She's just not the leader type, and would rather follow a terrible leader than be a better one. And while she may sound a little stuck up and selfish, she's actually really sweet if you get to know her (though that could take a lot of work). If a friend gets in trouble, she won't hesitate to help them out of it.
Crush: None currently
Other: I don't know if this is okay, but I imagine Giratina to be a little stronger than other patron legendaries because his domain is basically an alternate universe. Maggie won't be OP or anything, but he might talk a little more or move through her just a little more than some others may.
Username: Mituna
Name: Rinny (Goes by Rin)
Species: Riolu
Gender: male
Patron: Cobalion
Patron Status: Unaware
Appearance: An all black Riolu, whose bumps on the back of his forepaws are actually Lucario spike. He wears an everstone around his neck, because he fears that if he evolves, he'll no longer be able to hide. His spikes on his paws actually use to be blunt, until he nearly evolved once. He found his everstone just in time for it to stop, but left him with the spikes for some odd reason.
Personality: Strongheaded, but not easily angered. He won't give up when he sets his mind to something, but he doesn't let that make him stupid. Rin is actually rather outgoing around other pokemon, but because of his odd coloring, is often the first to hide when a human passes by. He enjoys sparring and leveling up, but he will freak out if his everstone ever leaves his neck, even though his evolution requires happiness.
Crush: None yet~ Definitely open.
Other: I'll probably have a little fun with Cobalion, since the sword trio (plus a half) were suppose to protect pokemon from human development. Not to mention Cobalion was suppose to be their leader. >;)
Username: Diana
Name: Aurora
Species: Dragonair
Gender: Female
Patron: Dialga
Patron Status: Aware
Appearance: She is an ordinary Dragonair except that the edges of her "wings" are tinted golden
Personality: She is very well aware of her surroundings and tends to be quiet and observant. She doesn't do well in social situations. She is mature, and calm.
Crush: None yet
Other: ~
Username: aspens
Name: Jay
Species: Flareon (Shiny)
Gender: Female
Patron: Victini
Patron Status: Unaware
Appearance: (Picture will go here) She keeps her fur pristine, so it almost appears to be glowing. The red cloth on her leg is the symbol of "The Southern Reds" gang. She is slightly smaller than the normal Flareon, but not by much. Her fur is also more golden than other shiny Flareons' fur.
Personality: She is the leader of a gang called "The Southern Reds" that steal from other pokemon and intimidate them to get their way. She is rude, mean, controlling, and will do almost anything to get what she wants. She is very selfish and will put herself even before her gang members. She never fights any battles herself, instead using the members of her gang to fight them for her. She also uses them to bully other pokemon into giving her food or territory.
Crush: None
Other: She can win almost anything as a side-effect of being Victini's host.
Username: Kazumi
Name: Emiko
Species: Eevee
Gender: Female
Patron: Meloetta
Patron Status: Unaware
Appearance: Emiko has white iris', fluffy collar thing, tip of her tail and ears. She also has a jewel thingy on her head that is also white.
Personality: Emiko is careful and kind. She usually follows logic and reason, but sometimes, rarely, she can accept it without reason. She also doesn't like physical fights for two reasons. One, there is usually no need for it, two, she is rather lazy. Therefore, she will try break up arguments before they get out of hand, because it would be easier the stop it earlier than later. Although whatever this personality may suggest, she may not be as quiet as you think. Sometimes. She knows when to be quiet but can talk more when trying to get her quieter friends to speak more or trying to get the more talkative ones to quiet down.
Crush: None
Other: Is it alright if I gave the jewel thingamajig telekinesis? She can't lift anything heavier than herself and not for too long.
Username: Reshiram
Name: Katsuma
Species: Shiny Charmander
Gender: Male
Patron: Reshiram
Patron Status: Aware

Personality: At first, he seems very childish and oblivious, though he is like this to everyone. His angry personality comes up when someone mocks him, or steals his food. He is a hearty eater, eating anything edible. He tends to forgive easily, though before that, if you have angered him, he snaps. (He seems to be bipolar, though no-one has asked him.) He becomes cruel, bitter, and unforgiving. He also has a sense of humour, sometimes leaning to sarcasm. He has occasional insight, when he is feeling a bit down.
He doesn't show it, but he's a bit paranoid of strangers.
Crush: Uh... No...
Other: He has a secret biscuit stash somewhere. Steal them, and the apocalypse will initiate.No, I'm only kidding, but
He was minorly altered in a lab, changing his tail and eye colour. Other than that, he's a normal shiny Charmander.
His Patron doesn't hesitate to speak through him, and they communicate a bit more than normal, seeing as in the anime, she and Zekrom are more friendly towards humans. And Reshiram's female, in my opinion.
Username: Reshiram
Name: Aurae
Species: Altaria
Gender: Female
Patron: Palkia
Patron Status: Unaware
Appearance: She's an Altaria with a gem necklace that has a pearl on it.
Personality: She's quite gentle and calm to others, but one of her anger points is "But won't you sing?" Following this, she pretty much hates stereotypes, and gladly learnt Fire Blast and Earthquake just to prove it. She has an competitive spirit, and will sing if no-one asks her to. She can be rude when angry.
Crush: Open
Other: Nuh uh.
Username: Vegito
Name: Tobias
Species: Gallade
Gender: Male
Patron: Mewtwo
Patron Status: Aware
Appearance: A normal Gallade but wears a dog tag necklace with the number #028390. He also wears a short purple bandana on his left leg.
Personality: Tobias is calm, collected and serious almost all of the time. What can really unnerve people is how he can approach anyone silently, like a ninja. In battle he is cocky and prefers toying with people. If he can spot a decent challenge he gets serious.
Crush: None
Other: His ability to walk silently comes from his past, which he prefers not to talk about.
Name: Paige
Species: Furret
Gender: Female
Patron: Arceus
Patron Status: Unaware

Personality: Rather rude, she's not typically a nice person. Always on the sarcastic side, she likes to give insults, and may say something mean or insulting without even realizing it. Deep down, she can be nice, but she chooses not to be. Even with her rude personality, she's somewhat of an optimist. She's quite creative, and likes to make up her own words for things.
Crush: None ...yet.
Other: Any of her made-up words will be posted in italics.
Password: It's a secret to everybody. (If you know what this is from, you get a tip of the hat from me.)
Username: Death
Name: Nebula
Species: Gardevoir
Gender: Male
Patron: Mesprit
Patron Status: Aware
Appearance: He wears a red scarf and bracelets.

Personality: He's usually quite calm and collected, and often regrets having evolved into a Gardevoir instead of a Gallade. He's quiet, and doesn't often speak unless spoken to first, and because he so rarely speaks, many people that meet him think he's a mute. However, if he gets mistaken for a girl because of his appearance, (even his voice sounds slightly girlish,) he tends to get a bit on the aggressive side. Nothing much, just involving yelling, attacking, and other forms of rage.
Crush: None, but PM me if you'd like.
Other: He's blind, but he still has his own way of seeing. He sees the shapes of living things (a bit like Lucario can see auras) in different colors and brightness, depending on emotions, and how strong the emotion is being felt.
Password: Nopenopenopenopenope.
Username: InfinityLove
Name: Tsukiakari (Tsuki for short)
Species: Espeon
Gender: Female
Patron: Cresselia
Patron Status: Unaware

The jewel on her forehead is pink.
Personality: She tries to come off as calm and quiet, but she mostly fails if she knows you well enough, and starts to act bubbly and happy. She knows that life isn't the best, but she can't help but have a positive outlook on things. When she needs to be serious she knows to be serious. She doesn't really have a temper, but if you mess with her friends she'll snap.
Crush: None yet/Open
Other: No...
Username: InfinityLove
Name: Yoru
Species: Zorua
Gender: Male
Patron: Darkrai
Patron Status: Unaware

Personality: He's mischievous, always playing small pranks on others and creating illusions. He looks at life like a game, doing what he wants when he wants. He can be fairly rude, but if you get to know him very well, by being stubborn and annoying him to death, you can see that he does care, and will do anything to protect his friends.
Crush: None yet/Open
Other: No...
Username: seanrc
Name: Karis
Species: Houndour
Gender: Male
Patron: Moltres
Patron Status: Aware
Appearance: Karis wears a blue amulet, given to him by his (now) deceased father. Small Dunsparce wings that can make him float for 2-7 seconds.
Personality: Silly, sometimes sad when looks at amulet. Can also get to be rude if you push him or basically harass him.
Crush: None yet
Other: N/A
Username: Mituna
Name: Maggie
Species: Mismagus
Gender: Female
Patron: Giratina
Patron Status: Known
Appearance: Just your normal Mismagius, though she does seem a little more wispy than some.
Personality: Quiet, doesn't talk unless spoken to. Unless her well being is concerned, she wouldn't even say if she disagrees with a course of action, though she may drift away from the group without any explanation. She actually pretty wise, though. She's just not the leader type, and would rather follow a terrible leader than be a better one. And while she may sound a little stuck up and selfish, she's actually really sweet if you get to know her (though that could take a lot of work). If a friend gets in trouble, she won't hesitate to help them out of it.
Crush: None currently
Other: I don't know if this is okay, but I imagine Giratina to be a little stronger than other patron legendaries because his domain is basically an alternate universe. Maggie won't be OP or anything, but he might talk a little more or move through her just a little more than some others may.
Username: Mituna
Name: Rinny (Goes by Rin)
Species: Riolu
Gender: male
Patron: Cobalion
Patron Status: Unaware
Appearance: An all black Riolu, whose bumps on the back of his forepaws are actually Lucario spike. He wears an everstone around his neck, because he fears that if he evolves, he'll no longer be able to hide. His spikes on his paws actually use to be blunt, until he nearly evolved once. He found his everstone just in time for it to stop, but left him with the spikes for some odd reason.
Personality: Strongheaded, but not easily angered. He won't give up when he sets his mind to something, but he doesn't let that make him stupid. Rin is actually rather outgoing around other pokemon, but because of his odd coloring, is often the first to hide when a human passes by. He enjoys sparring and leveling up, but he will freak out if his everstone ever leaves his neck, even though his evolution requires happiness.
Crush: None yet~ Definitely open.
Other: I'll probably have a little fun with Cobalion, since the sword trio (plus a half) were suppose to protect pokemon from human development. Not to mention Cobalion was suppose to be their leader. >;)
Username: Diana
Name: Aurora
Species: Dragonair
Gender: Female
Patron: Dialga
Patron Status: Aware
Appearance: She is an ordinary Dragonair except that the edges of her "wings" are tinted golden
Personality: She is very well aware of her surroundings and tends to be quiet and observant. She doesn't do well in social situations. She is mature, and calm.
Crush: None yet
Other: ~
Username: aspens
Name: Jay
Species: Flareon (Shiny)
Gender: Female
Patron: Victini
Patron Status: Unaware
Appearance: (Picture will go here) She keeps her fur pristine, so it almost appears to be glowing. The red cloth on her leg is the symbol of "The Southern Reds" gang. She is slightly smaller than the normal Flareon, but not by much. Her fur is also more golden than other shiny Flareons' fur.
Personality: She is the leader of a gang called "The Southern Reds" that steal from other pokemon and intimidate them to get their way. She is rude, mean, controlling, and will do almost anything to get what she wants. She is very selfish and will put herself even before her gang members. She never fights any battles herself, instead using the members of her gang to fight them for her. She also uses them to bully other pokemon into giving her food or territory.
Crush: None
Other: She can win almost anything as a side-effect of being Victini's host.
Username: Kazumi
Name: Emiko
Species: Eevee
Gender: Female
Patron: Meloetta
Patron Status: Unaware
Appearance: Emiko has white iris', fluffy collar thing, tip of her tail and ears. She also has a jewel thingy on her head that is also white.
Personality: Emiko is careful and kind. She usually follows logic and reason, but sometimes, rarely, she can accept it without reason. She also doesn't like physical fights for two reasons. One, there is usually no need for it, two, she is rather lazy. Therefore, she will try break up arguments before they get out of hand, because it would be easier the stop it earlier than later. Although whatever this personality may suggest, she may not be as quiet as you think. Sometimes. She knows when to be quiet but can talk more when trying to get her quieter friends to speak more or trying to get the more talkative ones to quiet down.
Crush: None
Other: Is it alright if I gave the jewel thingamajig telekinesis? She can't lift anything heavier than herself and not for too long.
Username: Reshiram
Name: Katsuma
Species: Shiny Charmander
Gender: Male
Patron: Reshiram
Patron Status: Aware

Personality: At first, he seems very childish and oblivious, though he is like this to everyone. His angry personality comes up when someone mocks him, or steals his food. He is a hearty eater, eating anything edible. He tends to forgive easily, though before that, if you have angered him, he snaps. (He seems to be bipolar, though no-one has asked him.) He becomes cruel, bitter, and unforgiving. He also has a sense of humour, sometimes leaning to sarcasm. He has occasional insight, when he is feeling a bit down.
He doesn't show it, but he's a bit paranoid of strangers.
Crush: Uh... No...
Other: He has a secret biscuit stash somewhere. Steal them, and the apocalypse will initiate.
He was minorly altered in a lab, changing his tail and eye colour. Other than that, he's a normal shiny Charmander.
His Patron doesn't hesitate to speak through him, and they communicate a bit more than normal, seeing as in the anime, she and Zekrom are more friendly towards humans. And Reshiram's female, in my opinion.
Username: Reshiram
Name: Aurae
Species: Altaria
Gender: Female
Patron: Palkia
Patron Status: Unaware
Appearance: She's an Altaria with a gem necklace that has a pearl on it.
Personality: She's quite gentle and calm to others, but one of her anger points is "But won't you sing?" Following this, she pretty much hates stereotypes, and gladly learnt Fire Blast and Earthquake just to prove it. She has an competitive spirit, and will sing if no-one asks her to. She can be rude when angry.
Crush: Open
Other: Nuh uh.
Username: Vegito
Name: Tobias
Species: Gallade
Gender: Male
Patron: Mewtwo
Patron Status: Aware
Appearance: A normal Gallade but wears a dog tag necklace with the number #028390. He also wears a short purple bandana on his left leg.
Personality: Tobias is calm, collected and serious almost all of the time. What can really unnerve people is how he can approach anyone silently, like a ninja. In battle he is cocky and prefers toying with people. If he can spot a decent challenge he gets serious.
Crush: None
Other: His ability to walk silently comes from his past, which he prefers not to talk about.
Condensed Master List...
How to read: *Username - Name - #Species - ^Patron
* - Changes color to fit status. (Purple=Owner.)
# - Red=Female, Blue=Male
^ - Underline=Host is aware, Strikethrough=Host is unaware
Death - Paige - Furret -
Death - Nebula - Gardevoir - Mesprit
InfinityLove - Tsukiakari (Tsuki) - Espeon -
InfinityLove - Yoru - Zorua -
seanrc - Karis - Houndour - Moltres
Mituna - Maggie - Mismagus - Giratina
Mituna - Rinny (Rin) - Riolu -
Diana - Aurora - Dragonair - Dialga
aspens - Jay - Shiny Flareon -
Kazumi - Amiko - Eevee -
Reshiram - Katsuma - Shiny Charmander - Reshiram
Reshiram - Aurae - Altaria -
Vegito - Tobias - Gallade - Mewtwo

Name: Tsukiakari (Tsuki for short)
Species: Espeon
Gender: Female
Patron: Cresselia
Patron Status: Unaware
Appearance: The jewel on her forehead is pink though
Personality: She tries to come off as calm and quiet, but she mostly fails if she knows you well enough, and starts to act bubbly and happy. She knows that life isn't the best, but she can't help but have a positive outlook on things. When she needs to be serious she knows to be serious. She doesn't really have a temper, but if you mess with her friends she'll snap.
Crush: None yet/Open
Other: No...
Username: InfinityLove
Name: Yoru
Species: Zorua
Gender: Male
Patron: Darkrai
Patron Status: Unaware
Appearance: Yoru
Personality: He's mischievous, always playing small pranks on others and creating illusions. He looks at life like a game, doing what he wants when he wants. He can be fairly rude, but if you get to know him very well, by being stubborn and annoying him to death, you can see that he does care, and will do anything to protect his friends.
Crush: None yet/Open
Other: No...
EDIT: Also putting your URLs into picture form, since they get shrunken down to whatever size automatically. (I just love how it does that...I don't have to worry about anything going off the page...)

Name: Karis
Species: Houndour
Gender: Male
Patron: Moltres
Patron Status: Aware
Appearance: Karis wears a blue amulet, given to him by his (now) deceased father. Small Dunsparce wings that can make him float for 2-7 seconds.
Personality: Silly, sometimes sad when looks at amulet. Can also get to be rude if you push him or basically harass him.
Crush: None yet...
Other: Nothing.

Username: Diana
Name: Aurora
Species: Dragonair
Patron: Dialga
Patron Status: Aware
Appearance: She is an ordinary Dragonair except that the edges of her "wings" are tinted golden
Personality: She is very well aware of her surroundings and tends to be quiet and observant. She doesn't do well in social situations. She is mature, and calm.
Crush: None yet.
Other: ~
Name: Maggie
Species: Mismagius
Gender: female
Patron: Giratina
Patron Status: Known
Appearance: Just your normal Mismagius, though she does seem a little more wispy than some.
Personality: Quiet, doesn't talk unless spoken to. Unless her well being is concerned, she wouldn't even say if she disagrees with a course of action, though she may drift away from the group without any explanation. She actually pretty wise, though. She's just not the leader type, and would rather follow a terrible leader than be a better one. And while she may sound a little stuck up and selfish, she's actually really sweet if you get to know her (though that could take a lot of work). If a friend gets in trouble, she won't hesitate to help them out of it.
Crush: none currently
Other: I don't know if this is okay, but I imagine Giratina to be a little stronger than other patron legendaries because his domain is basically an alternate universe. Maggie won't be OP or anything, but he might talk a little more or move through her just a little more than some others may.
Tell me if I should fix anything. I don't mind if you don't like it~

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^
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