Forum Thread
[G] The Wish Factory
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [G] The Wish FactoryPretty much you grant the user above you's wish and then put what you want. Then the next person grants that wish. Keep in mind that wishes should be reasonable and not something along the lines of 'I want 5 shiny mega Raquaza!' which would be almost impossible for anyone.
Thanks to the new delivery system (thanks Riako!) this should be rather streamlined for items. I'm hoping this works out as well as some of the other threads, so here goes!
I'm putting the giveaway tag on the title because I'm guessing it would fall under that category. If not please feel free to tell me so I can correctly categorize it.
1. You can participate multiple times
2. Do not wish for things that are currently sold out (i.e certain plushies or certain event pokemon)
3. Do not make a wish unless you have granted a wish.
4. PD or event pokemon are allowed to be wished for, however whoever grants the wish has the right to send as much or as little as they want.
5. If a wish isn't granted in a week then I'll see if the wisher would like something else or what can be done to make the wisher satisfied with the completion of their wish.
6. Take a screenshot of you fulfilling a wish so that in the event that the granting of a wish is questioned there is proof of the wish being fulfilled.
To kick it off, I wish for a shiny stone.
Banned Items (as of 4/28/2016):
1. Mega Stones
2. Maps
3. Gold boxes
4. Rare gems in multiples
5. PD above 30K
6. Multiple rare items (like 5 star pieces or 9 gold keys, etc)
7. Kyurem, dittos, and rare bird trio (unless asking to borrow them)
8. Nuggets, given the amount required to gift them.
9. Shinies as there is now a thread to trade them.
10. Mew
Suspension List (as of 10/1/16):
I wish for boxes and keys (or just one)
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
Same as Liirah, I wish for normal gems please! (any amount is fine :) )
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I wish for fairy, bug, or dragon gems? (Any amount is fine)