Shouldn't the number of eggs hatched by a user somewhere stated in
the profile??
If someone disagrees by saying that nobody is interested in knowing
number of eggs hatched by others, then answer this:
Then do they have any intrest in knowing number of interactions
made, game time etc.
I know that a user must know all this, but shouldn't he know the
number of eggs he hatched till now.
And perhaps there should be a ranklist of this too.
There is only one problem: If you hatch an egg, and release this
Pokemon, the count goes down again.
Let's say I hatch 5 Mawile, but release one, then my hatched count
will say 4, so the count wouldn't be 100% correct. Sadly it cannot
be coded that even released Pokemon will count.
If what Mirej says is true, which I'm sure it is haha, then I can't
support. There'd be no point if my egg count is just how many of my
hatched pokemon I've decided to keep in my box.
Why would you want to know someones Hatched Eggs? It's like you're
a stalker lol.
You can easily just PM him and ask him how much he hatched this day
or week.
Also, The number of Hatched Eggs is in the Medal Rally, Medals are
more than enough than a ranklist, also, wouldn't it be the same as
the "Most Pokemon" ranklist? I mean you're basically hatching more
Pokemon. More Hatched Eggs = More Pokemon