I Would Like To Order Banner For My Club Section See Team Shield In
It See Team Shield Canteen Make Banner For It And Add Me Friend So
I Can Talk
I Would Like To Order Banner For My Club Section See Team Shield In
It See Team Shield Canteen Make Banner For It And Add Me Friend So
I Can Talk
Yeah... you shouldn't capitalize every word and apart from that,
your grammar is still sort of bad, no offense. sorry if I sound like a grammar Nazi or a minimod
Neolune the Sylveon, please don't forget that there are balls of
light instead of the blue tips (ribbon tips are only pink) ,and
that there is an ear fluff on both ears instead of just the left
one, and the little head fluff is also important ;v; sorry i'm
really picky when it comes to art/sprites of her
Other: sauerkraut corgi
My party is awesome!
Username: ApolloTheEspeon
Trainer Sprite:
Pokemon: 2 Espeon at the front ( the rest can go anywhere) an
absol, a blastoise, an Umbreon.
Hopefully this doesn't count as spam. I just have a question.. are
you able to do couples? I know it isn't listed but all the sprite
shops I've tried with couples have been closed or haven't