Forum Thread
~ Gem Mania ~ [Buying any kind of gems]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Item Trades → ~ Gem Mania ~ [Buying any kind of gems]
- As the title says, I am looking for any kind of gems. -
- I'm planning to use them for my future hunts. -
- [Last update: 17/05/2016 - 16:15 Servertime] -
- Rules -

- Do not rush me -
- I have the right to accept or decline your offer -
- I will send the money once you've sent the gems -
- If you think my prices are unfair feel free to leave -
- Donations are appreciated -
- There is no form for this thread but put the word
"Lopunny" somewhere in your post so I know you've read the rules -
- Prices -
- Donations -

- At the end of every month a random user will win a shiny hunt of their choice. -
- (Not Legend/ Event / Genderless hunts) -
- Current Goals -

- Selling -

- Shiny Charmander

- Shiny Gardevoir

- Red Orb

- I am mainly looking for gems but I may accept other offers as well. -
- Lopunny Render ©2014-2015 KiluKuu -
Fighting Gem 3
Flying Gem 20
Grass Gem 7
Ground Gem 5
Poison Gem 2
Rock Gem 8
Total: 11,250
Water Gem 5
Electric Gem 5
Dark Gem 2
Psychic Gem 2
Steel Gem 1
Total: 6,000
Bug Gem 2
Ice Gem 1
Total: 1,500
Normal Gem 5
Fairy Gem 4
Total: 6,300
Grand Total: 25,050
If that's okay, let me know ^^
And a shiny worth at least 120-150k so maybe you could add more gems or pay the rest in pd? :b
Banner drawn by Hime-Nyan~
Fighting Gem: 4
Grass Gem: 14
Ground Gem: 21
Poison Gem: 7
Rock Gem: 13
Total: 14,750
Water Gem 5
Dark Gem 9
Fire Gem 5
Psychic Gem 3
Steel Gem 4
Total: 10,400
Bug Gem: 9
Ice Gem 3
Total: 6000
Fairy Gem 8
Normal Gem : 7
Total: 10,500
Grand total: 41, 650
These are all the gems I have to offer but you don't have to take them all if you don't want to. Let me know if this is okay to you ^^
Currently have
80 flying
86 poison
33 water
1 psychic
Could be totally wrong on the math so I'll just put the numbers, 28K for flying, 30.1K for poison, 13.2 for water, 0.4K for psychic. So in total I have 71.7K but again the math could be wrong. Let me know if you are interested!