Forum Thread
Return Of Shayness 1x1
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Return Of Shayness 1x1Wait guys stop, I'm late! I was eating my breakfast in my PJ's when you called me, so... ^^' "
Oak: Anyway you can choose from 3 different pokemon each somehow super effective circle. You can choose from Squirtle, Fennekin and Turtwig. Choose wisley.
*Ash took Turtwig pokeball*
"Alright I choose Turtwig!" ash said excited.

*Picks up Pokeball*
Oak: Take these for your journey. They will come in handy. *Holding out 5 pokeballs for us each and 3 pokedex*
Oak: Ash I forgot to say to you these will really help. *Oak holds out rare candy and TMs and Hms and Ash takes them*
"These are cool." Ash responded.

Okay then, Fennekin go!
ANYhow where are we off to?