Forum Thread
•*~Meep's Sprite Shop (CLOSED)~*•
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → •*~Meep's Sprite Shop (CLOSED)~*•
1. Please don't rush me!
2. Pay only when I finish your order
3. Use the forms when ordering, or I won't entertain you.
4. Contact me if you have any questions.
6. The password is "Volcanic Bomb", put it under "Anything else?" or at the end of your post in general
7. I can display any sprites I have made for you as an example unless you request otherwise.
8. Be specific, especially with positions of accessories, shades of colours etc.
9 .I will redo a sprite at most TWICE, and only if I am free
10. If I can't make your order, I may cancel it or try to find a compromise.
11. Please credit me when using my sprited!
NEW: Animated Pixel Dividers!

Comes in a set of 2: one long, one short, animation is 2-4 frames long
Hey Meep! My Pokémon turned into a border!
Themes: (e.g. Flowers, the ocean, light green...)
Payment: 7500-10000PD depending on amount of scratch spriting needed (I'll contact you to discuss!)
Anything else?:

Sprite belongs to Shinkuuma!
Hey Meep! My Pokémon has changed colour!
Size: (Large or mini?)
Colours: (Specific colours or the colours of a Pokémon)
Payment: Minimum price: 1500PD for large sprites, 500PD for mini ones
Sprite: (Only if you want me to colour an OC or Pokésona)
Anything else?: (For example, the parts of the Pokémon which you want a certain colour)

Sprites belong to Lunara_Archeron and Gay--Trash respectively!
Hey Meep! My Pokémon have fused!
Size: (Large or mini? Large are normal sprites, mini are the ones you see in the "Couples" example)
Pokémon: (Maximum of 5 Pokémon fused)
Payment: (List method of payment here) 5000-7500PD for large sprites, 3000PD for mini (Price varies depending on how much scratch spriting was needed, I'll tell you after I'm done!)
Anything else?: (Which Pokémon do you want as the base?)
UPDATE: This only applies to simple accessories such as a necklace, scarf or ribbon. Anything more goes under 'Others'

Hey Meep! My Pokémon are dressing up!
Size: (Large or mini? Large are normal sprites, mini are the ones you see in the "Couples" example)
Accesories: (Reminder: BE SPECIFIC. As in "light blue ribbon on Eevee's right ear" and not "blue ribbon on Eevee"
Sprite/Reference: (Only if you want me to add accesories to an OC or Pokésona)
Payment: (List method of payment here) Palpad me, depends on complexity
Background: (White or transparent?)
Anything else?:

Hey Meep! My Pokémon are in love!!
Size: (Large Pokémon or mini? Large are normal sprites while mini are the ones in the example)
Animation: (Pulsing or moving heart? Pokémon moving horizontally or diagonally? Diagonally as in towards each other)
Payment: (List method of payment here) 1000PD
Sprite: (Only if you want me to animate a OC or Pokésona, please provide a reference so that I can make a mini sprite for it)
Background: (White or transparent?)
Anything else?: (For example, colour of the heart, whether you want it to move faster or slower.)

This is for ANYTHING that doesn't fall into the above categories, like candy floss or gijinkas. (Though, really, candy floss is more of a recolour, while gijinkas are more of fusions)
Note: if you want a sprite of your character, prices will probably be 7500PD+, unless it falls under the above categories. Y'know. Scratch spriting and squinting at pixels for hours.
There is no form, but please be SPECIFIC. Please provide an reference if possible.
Pending Orders
- Nymphrasis: Other -- in progress (4/5 done)
- dogdere: animated divider (audino) -- in progress
- ShadowLuna: fusion (Mimkyu + Sylveon) -- not started
- Eeveezard: Animated Pixel Divider (ocean themed) -- not started
- Eeveezard: Others (Animation of 'sona) -- In progress
Thanks for stopping by my sprite shop! If you feel that there are other popular categories that I should add, feel free to tell me!
(This is a pokeball sprite)
Pokemon: Mangikarbororayquagarimewkiplax
Size: (Large Pokémon or mini? Large are normal sprites while mini are the ones in the example)
Pokémon: Cinccino and Wynaut (can the Wynaut be shiny?)
Animation: Diagonally~
Payment: 50k PD?
Background: transparent
Anything else?: I would like it to move fast, but I don't care about the heart color. Thanks for linking me to your shop!
Sparkle (for pass)
Pokémon: Kylie, my Togetic OC, and a Turtwig
Animation: Diagonally
Payment: PD. 50k to be precise >:D
Sprite: The little Togetic you made me ^u^
Background: Transparent plz
Anything else?:
Here is how to make it an image link:
Size: Fun sized!! ((Mini))
Pokémon: Houndoom on left, Eevee on right
Animation: Pulsing heart, and moving diagonally
Payment: 50, or 500 PDs?
Sprite: I wasn't 100% what this mean((I did read it)) But if you could I'd like for there to be a white scarf on the Eevee. If you can't can I 100% misunderstood this INGORE ME!! xDD
Background: transparent
Anything else?: Speed it up to you, either they look better with slow or fast. ^^ And the heart color would like to be red with a white glare((In the example you provided))
Size: Mini
Pokémon: Mega Audino and Mega Banette
Animation: Pulsing, Horizontal
Payment: PD, is 25k okay? Palpad me
Sprite: ehh not really a special sprite
Anything else?: Red heart. Please palpad me the sprite when done :>
(This is a Keychain)
Pokémon: Kylie, the Togetic sprite you made me
Color of the Bead: the same orange as her hat
Payment: 2k
Password: Sparkle

[FlightRising] ☆ [Adopts] ☆ [Doodles] ☆ [Characters]
But ye, I would like a licking animation. This might be to complex and if it is tell me and I'll change it ((I have a back up))
I'd like for the pokemon to be a harmonized Sylveon. I will send examples of Harmonized-->
I would like for this Sylveon to have a black beanie on as well. Eyes not to be blue, the should be lime green. back ground color is up to you, ^^ You have a good taste in color.
Have fun with this~