Forum Thread
Return Of Doom 1x1
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Return Of Doom 1x1Avatars are trainers and I will say yes or no for pokemon we have and wild pokemon.
3 Trainers each have 1 egg and are stuck on a island, don't remember anything.
Island is pokemon paradise.
Forests, Beaches, Coconut trees, Berry bushes and Ocean.
Wood and 9 Pokeballs on island infront of them on the beach.
Togepi, Abra, Pawniard.
All pokemon. (Imposible to tell what pokes are there)
Bronzor, Drifloon, Ghastly.

Hmmm... Pretty weird.
*Ash notices a stand*
Hmmmm... Nobody but us and there is a stand.
*Ash walks over to the stand*
*Ash knocks on the wood*
(We can do other people/pokemon/RC/Machines like Team Rocket and remote controlled chair and Nightmare Machine)
Hello there. Said Jessie from TR in disguise
How are you here? Ash (Me) replied.
No idea. But there is a Dakrai that comes most at this time of the year. Here take these. Replied Jessie giving Pidgey feathers painted to look like the special feathers.
*Jessie continued to distract Ash (Me) while Meowth and James put me to sleep*
Ok. So the Darkrai comes during spring, Autumn, Summer. Rarely in winter? Ash asked Jessie before having sleep powder dumped on him causing him to fall asleep.
Thats right. Jessie replied to the sleeping boy then she tied him up to a RC chair.
*Jessie tied Ash up to the RC chair and put it on some metal while hiding the Nightmare machine*
Why did you do that? Ash demanded from Jessie who had meowth using the RC chair and James getting another bucket of Sleep Powder to dump it on Ash again.
We must help the master, master Darkrai. You shall join us join him. Jessie said fake hypnotized while James got it right above the perfect spot to drop powder on Ash.
Eh? Ash said (You guys like my mega edit?) confused on what to reply and Meowth activated the RC chair and put in tickle mode to keep Ash busy.
Hahahahahahaha... Stop that hahahahahah. Ash said giggling before James dumped the sleep powder on Ash again and then James, Meowth and Jessie hooked Ash up to sleep powder with Medical equipment causing Ash to be stuck in a nightmare until unhooked.

*Picks up Bronzor Pokeball and Togepi egg*
"... What am I supposed to do? And doesn't it seem that that boy who went to get wood is taking an awful long time to get back?"
*Ash tries to wake up bet ends up failing and tries again for ages but then gives up and Team Rocket put a Microchip into Ashs neck then unhook him*
What should I do masters? Ash said to them Hypnotized.
We need you to either Hypnotize the others with these. James said holding a microchip.
Or you can force them here. Meowth said.
Not forgeting sleep mist tie up and bring them here. Jessie finished.
(BTW Team rocket Jessie and James 4 pokemon each)
*Electricity sparks on Ashs neck stopping the microchip*
Go Drifloon! *Ash sent out Drifloon*
Help me out Gengar. James called out
You too Hypno. Jessie finished.
*A cofagrigus floats down*
Huh? Ash said before becoming confused.
*A Umbroen comes from behind the Cofagrigus and used yawn on everyone but the Cofagrigus*

What is in this Pokeball.."
*Throws Pokeball*
"Bronzor... Awesome? Hey maybe you can help me gather for with your Phychic!! Awwwyeah!"