Forum Thread
Lost at Sea (Open and accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Lost at Sea (Open and accepting)Also, during the night, deep in the jungle you can hear ominous howling, though as hungry as you all are, you're much to frightened to see what's there. How long can you survive, until help arrives, if it ever does at all?.

(Tfw u can't find a good image)
-PH rules apply.
-This rp uses Pokehumans
-No Legendaries, unless I am friends with you.
-Mild swearing acceptable.
-3 characters at most.
-No Godmodding, or OP characters.
-No Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus, please.
- Don't stray from the plot, unless I approve.
-I have the right to reject your form, and ask you to revise.
-I have the right to ban you, though I'll probably give you warnings and chances first.
-Dont spam, at all.
-Don't start any drama, unless it's reasonable, in the rp.
-Most important is to have fun, though!
-This rp uses Pokehumans
-No Legendaries, unless I am friends with you.
-Mild swearing acceptable.
-3 characters at most.
-No Godmodding, or OP characters.
-No Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus, please.
- Don't stray from the plot, unless I approve.
-I have the right to reject your form, and ask you to revise.
-I have the right to ban you, though I'll probably give you warnings and chances first.
-Dont spam, at all.
-Don't start any drama, unless it's reasonable, in the rp.
-Most important is to have fun, though!
Basic Rules:
(rules set up so nobody DIES)
-Do not go off alone outside of camp.
-Do not hide food or water from the group, everyone's trying to survive together.
-Work together, try not to let petty differences ruin our survival.
- Don't attack one another like idiots
-Shifts are to be maintained.
- Everyone who's able must work. No slackers.
-Don't go after the noises in the jungle.
(You don't haaaave to follow all these rules, per say. Keeps things interesting.)
-Do not go off alone outside of camp.
-Do not hide food or water from the group, everyone's trying to survive together.
-Work together, try not to let petty differences ruin our survival.
- Don't attack one another like idiots
-Shifts are to be maintained.
- Everyone who's able must work. No slackers.
-Don't go after the noises in the jungle.
(You don't haaaave to follow all these rules, per say. Keeps things interesting.)
Relationship status:
Other: (If you want them to have a specific 'job' (ex. 'Captain', gatherer, hunter, fisher, etc, put it here.
My Form(s):
Name: Selene 'Scrounge' Voleuse-Williams
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Purrloin
(She's the one on the left •v•)
Personality: She's pretty rude, and can pretty much be an all
around jerk, but she's actually just a big lonely nerd who doesn't know how to properly make friends. She's really fun once she actually
Relationship status: Single-Pringle
Other: She's actually pretty beat up, but she's pretending that she's okay. She's pretty good at fishing.
Questions/Concerns: my nyas?
Name: Pierre Allander
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Skuntank
Personality: He's very cheerful, and always trying to keep positive, despite most people's general dislike of him. He acts naive, but he's anything but- he just wants people to be more at ease around him.
Relationship status: opeen.
Other: He's pretty smelly, sometimes, and he has a very thick accent.
He's pretty much designated to cooking any food.
-Accepted Characters:
Scrounge Voleuse-Williams:
Waddlenohara (Moi)
Pierre Allander: Also Moi
Lance Nyström: Nyancat15
Pierre Allander: Also Moi
Lance Nyström: Nyancat15

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Species: Garchomp
Appearance: TBA
Personality: Apathetic and generally keeps to himself. Lance seems very distant at times. He's very thoughtful of others and will do alost anything to help
Relationship status: Single
Other: Lance is generally a hunter
Questions/Concerns: nahhh

Scrounge groaned, rolling over in her bed. She'd snagged one of the ones that weren't ruined, and she was so glad- apparently the other ones were either already infested with bugs or just mattresses on the ground. She sat up with a bit of effort, holding her side tightly. "Wonder if we'very git any breakfast.." she murmured, dragging herself out of bed.
Pierre was half asleep, sitting down in what used to be the the kitchens. He was watching over a rather gross looking gruel, made with berries and a few spices-which was probably the best they could do under these conditions. He sighed, leaning back over the counter.

Personality:A quiet outcast is specially good at hunting. Not the person to speak out of the group. Most of his clothing is torn and is usually somewhere close to the ship.
Crush:None {I GUESS open}
Relationship status:Single?
Other: Hunter

(Dude, GoldShinyGod, she asked you to make adjustments to your form. She never said you were accepted)

Scrounge grumbled, walking through a mess of metal junk and the occasional piece of furniture. "Eh, I should probably wake some people up- but then I might have to wait in a line for food.." she mumbled, shaking her head. "Maybe I'll just get Lance up.."
Pierre quickly finished the food preparation, and got out several bowels and silverware- waiting for the inevitable rush of people demanding food. "What a problem.." he sighed, standing over the half-full pot. "Not nearly e-nough"

(Scrounge: kicks him in tHE NARDS)
Pierre served a few early-birds some food, watching as they grimaced and made faces as they ate. "What exactly do they expect?" He sighed dramatically, giving himself a bowl.

Name: Dion Stromberg
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Furret
Appearance: Try to imagine him as a normal Furret bc I couldn't find a good one
Personality: He's sort of the protective type and will go to great lengths to protect somebody, even if he hates their guts. Dion acts like a total kuuderewe need more deres around others, but
has a soft spot for Heather. This Furret can easily be flustered or
angered if you do certain things.
Crush: Open
Relationship status: Single
Other: Almost everyone's a hunter so captain I guess
Name: Heather Stromberg
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Sentret
Appearance: Here
Personality: She's naturally shy and will often latch onto her brother for help. Heather is often picked on due to her soft heart and slight moodiness. The Sentret is a Dandere towards most, described as 'not what she seems' from people who luckily escape her wrath.
Crush: Pierre uvu
Relationship status: Single
Other: Gatherer
Questions/Concerns: Noep
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Furret
Appearance: Try to imagine him as a normal Furret bc I couldn't find a good one
Personality: He's sort of the protective type and will go to great lengths to protect somebody, even if he hates their guts. Dion acts like a total kuudere
Crush: Open
Relationship status: Single
Other: Almost everyone's a hunter so captain I guess
Name: Heather Stromberg
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Species: Sentret
Appearance: Here
Personality: She's naturally shy and will often latch onto her brother for help. Heather is often picked on due to her soft heart and slight moodiness. The Sentret is a Dandere towards most, described as 'not what she seems' from people who luckily escape her wrath.
Crush: Pierre uvu
Relationship status: Single
Other: Gatherer
Questions/Concerns: Noep
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: Umbreon
Personality: Leli is quiet and prefers not speaking to anyone but Bolt. She has a short temper and prefers staying away from everyone.
Crush: None
Relationship status: Single, and will most likely stay that way
Other: Job = Hunter, her brother is Bolt
Questions/Concerns: Nah
Name: Bolt Ghostfeng
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Jolteon
Personality: Bolt is a "little goodie two-shoes" according to Leli. He's social and tries to make everything positive.
Crush: Open
Relationship status: Single, and doesn't want to stay single.
Other: Job = Gatherer, his sister is Leli. He also had to come with Leli.
Questions/Concerns: N/A