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Mega evolutions

Forum-Index Suggestions Implemented Mega evolutions
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 37
Posted: Sun, 09/03/2014 13:03 (10 Years ago)
So as you know mega evolutions are up in pokeheroes. Its very exciting to have youre pokemon mega evolve, but not all pokemon can do so. What Im saying is until all pokemon have official mega evolutions why dont we make some fanmades and add them to Pokeheroes. I think people would be very excited if they find, lets say, a mega Gallade looking like a groom just like mega Gardevoir looks like a bride or a mega Metagross standing up and groving 2 more pairs of limbs. And I think Riako wants to see a mega Swanna even if its just fanmade.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,134
Posted: Sun, 09/03/2014 13:06 (10 Years ago)
If these are released ONLY as events (like with the event Torchic), then I will support, as they are similar to the other kinds of events (they're still modified Pokémon, just like the normal events on the site). However, I do not support at all if they can be found in the same way as normal Mega Pokémon.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 02:20 (10 Years ago)
Yea I'm a bit, I guess confused, by this. If you what someone to go through the effort of making a mega evolution for every. single. Pokemon. Then that's just ridiculous. I mean, what spriter is going to do this? They'd have to make practically a complete new looking sprite. So, spriters have to make a completely new Pokemon basically from scratch, think of creative ways to make it look "mega" and have to have support from everyone else to do so because... why?

Why should we make them make brand new Pokemon? I don't understand the point. Granted we have event Pokemon, but they look similar to other Pokemon except more creative. But there aren't event Pokemon for every single Pokemon out there (yet?). So if Pokemon the game hasn't made megas for every Pokemon (yet?) I wouldn't expect spriters with lives and jobs and hobbies outside of this site to sit down for a couple weeks (maybe longer) to make them haha.

There are a total of 28 mega evolutions (including X and Y forms, not including megas not confirmed, but with Latias and Latios that's 30) and there are a total of 718 Pokemon. Are we expecting the spriters to make 690 [or 688] brand new sprites? If so then I say no support.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,134
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 08:19 (10 Years ago)
Luna, I don't think he means for every Pokémon. They would be added super gradually anyway. If that is what he meant, though, then no support.
Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 1,970
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 09:13 (10 Years ago)
Like CarpetMonster said, we wouldn't need 680 new Megaevolutions, but about 200 would be at least. But who knows, maybe there will be a custom Mega-event in the future, but this would be only one. Normal Mega-evolutions just started recently, so be patient.

No support.

In case of emergency Plushie
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 14:43 (10 Years ago)
Yea I think we need some more explanation, and even so I wouldn't expect spriters to make mega Pokemon anyway. Again you, Simon, say "What I'm saying is until all Pokemom have official mega evolutions why don't we make some fanmades and add them to Pokeheroes." What does some mean? Who decides what some is? What if people think some is 200 and others think some is 10? I need more specifics because I see us speculating what you mean. If you could be more specific that'd be great.

But I still stand by my point, be it 200 new Pokemon, 50, 10, I don't expect spriters to go around making these new Pokemon. The more Pokemon with mega bubbles, the less rare it becomes, if every Pokemom has a mega bubble eventually then people will get them easier. I know people who say "Mega Blazikin? So what? Everyone has one." But there are people hunting for megas that haven't been caught yet and are excited to be the first or second or third with it. If every Pokemon is going to have a mega bubble then I can imagine it getting dull. And it won't even feel official because what if the Pokemon games releasing the official sprite for let's say Gallade, and he isn't a groom but a gladiator? Do we make the spriter who worked hard on it throw it out and make the actual mega? Does it just go to being an event egg? If so just make these "unofficial mega Pokemon" event eggs like Carpet said.

But some elaboration would make this much easier to understand.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,134
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 14:48 (10 Years ago)
To be honest, I agree with Luna wholeheartedly. I support because I'm assuming one thing, while she doesn't because she assumes another. There should probably be more elaboration.

Elaborating on my idea for the event ones, just in case that IS what is used, and in response to what Luna said about them being too common if they are released like normal events, I was thinking that they could be obtained in the same way as normal Mega Pokémon - you get lucky when you hatch one - but the Event only lasts for a week to a month. This encourages people to seek the Pokémon, without making it so easy that everyone gets one during the event. There would have to be an announcement about the event occurring, obviously, and it should say when it'll end. They also shouldn't come with free Mega Stones like the Blaziken, or else they AND the Mega Stones would be devalued a lot.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 14:58 (10 Years ago)
In response to Carpet I think that makes more sense, it makes them still rare to get and special if done in this event idea. After all just like Blaziken everyone and their mom is bored with it and consider it unpopular because of how easy it was to get and that it came with mega stone. When I first came here I was all excited because I saw one in GTS, but then I saw one in auction, and in trade forums, and stuffed deep in people's boxes, it was easy to see this awesome mega Pokemon wasn't so awesome. I'd hate to see all megas treated this way.

But, if there was a way to have a Fanmade mega Pokemon based on luck during an event like suggested I think that would be kind of fun. Now granted I'm not sure how popular it would be to other people who would have to break their shiny hunts for a chance at the event mega because they know they might not get another chance after a few weeks or a month. But, that's what makes them special and challenging right? We don't want to hand them out to people who don't want to work for them. If people don't want to break their chains or something then they'll probably miss out. But will those people cause an uproar, saying Premiums have it easier due to rate of hatching eggs, saying it's unfair for event eggs to break chains, saying they hatched over 100 eggs and "deserve" the mega. Would this idea be popular to the people who don't like going outside the comfort zone? Are those people the majority? Minority? I'm not sure haha.

Now of course week to a month might be enough time, maybe not, but it's a good range to start at least.

If this is what the guy meant then I'd consider it, but again we don't know yet haha
Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 1,970
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 16:21 (10 Years ago)
I think what Simon is saying by "What I'm saying is until all Pokemom have official mega evolutions why don't we make some fanmades and add them to Pokeheroes." is that he thinks ALL Pokemon will have Mega-Evolutions made by Nintendo someday. But I guess this won't happen, so Mega-evolutions besides the ones that already exist would be really only fanmade.

In case of emergency Plushie
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 37
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 17:37 (10 Years ago)
I shouldnt sayd "all".

What I mean we could add 5-10 more to make it more interesting, but not too much since all fanmade is boring, for people, if they want, to discover them. Come on getting a mega Haxorus and waiting exited is pretty awesome. You dont know how it looks and noone else knows. Its a brand new thing and finnaly seing the mega after some time would be just amazing. But if you think that it would become less rare well it wont since its just 5-10 more new mega pokemon. But if you dont agree with me, well thats youre opinion.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,134
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 17:44 (10 Years ago)
Simon, what do you think about my idea about limited time fan made Mega Evolutions? I think that it could be a better way of doing this than having them around all the time, and it would also make them really valuable and make it way more exciting when you do manage to get them.
Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 1,970
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 17:47 (10 Years ago)
Instead of talking about 5-10, how about we first talk about ONE single event evolution that we staff plan and execute? This would be more realistic than talking about 10.

In case of emergency Plushie
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 18:29 (10 Years ago)
We could start throwing out some ideas on Pokemon we want to have mega. Like Mirej said we should start with one, which is a good place to start.

But you, Simon, say "Come on, getting a mega Hacorus and waiting excited is pretty awesome. You don't know it looks and no one else knows." How long do you think that excitement will last though? Once the first egg is hatched and we've all seen what it looks like that excitement will die down. Is your premise or goal of this suggestion to make hatching eggs more exciting? That's not a bad thing but if making a new unseen mega Pokemon is the way to do then what happens when we all know what they look like? Do we make more megas and more megas or is that the end of it?

"It's a brand new thing and finally seeing the mega after some time would be just amazing." Again is the whole reason you are suggesting this is to increase the excitement of egg hunting? Again, it's not a bad thing, it just seems like after a mega or two are hatched, and we've all seen it, will it still be exciting? Or will the hype die down. And we will end up back at how megas are now, except with 5-10 more.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,134
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 18:40 (10 Years ago)
People can quite easily abuse the [pkmn] code to find it, so I don't think it would end up being a surprise at all. It should probably just be revealed. I mean, if someone puts the appropriate amount of work into finding it, and then is disappointed by what it actually looks like... well, most people would almost definitely going to complain. If it's a surprise, it's exciting, but it's also likely to end poorly, especially if the person who gets it first just happens to be one of those people that complains a lot.

In response to what Luna said, I think that a Mega Tropius could be interesting if done correctly. If possible, a Grass/Dragon form would be cool, though obviously it's up to the staff. It could also be neat if there was one for each sign of the Western Zodiac, each released on the days of that particular sign, but that would require making TWELVE of them, which appears to be out of the question.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 37
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 18:47 (10 Years ago)
@luna Its the main reason. The escitment wouldnt just die out easily. Sometimes it takes long to find out about new pokemon like that. Some people are just really slow (like me) with theese things. New users in pokeheroes would also enjoy this thing couse you can only obtain it here.
@Mirej Well yeah we have to start with baby steps. We start from one but in total we could make 10 so its not all fanmade. Right now Im trying to make something that looks like mega Rayquazza. Maybe it will turn out good (not like my Pokemon/Asia painting) and you could look at it after I finish it.
@Carpet It could be like the hoenn retros or something like that.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,134
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 19:02 (10 Years ago)
Does that mean you do approve of my idea? That's basically what I meant, though I hope it would be way rarer than the Hoenn Retros (instead, it should be the normal rate of finding Mega Pokémon). ^^
Also, please read what I said about people being able to find it before anyone even hatches it, let alone Mega Evolve it.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 37
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 19:04 (10 Years ago)
@Carpet Yeah I agree, but I dont know about the way you obtain it. There could be other ways to obtain them.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 568
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 19:18 (10 Years ago)
Taking into consideration all the other peoples opinions... I don't really think this is a good idea, as this would take too long to do, and Gamefreak might have more Megas planned
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,134
Posted: Mon, 10/03/2014 19:22 (10 Years ago)
I respectfully disagree. As was stated, these are most likely going to be released as events; therefore, these can be used in addition to the official ones. You also don't actually know how long it would take to do, so I feel that it isn't right to use that as a reason why not to support it. ^^'
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,134
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 09:39 (10 Years ago)
Despite not being the original owner, I would like to BUMP this (... BUYP? BUHP?) because I believe that some of the posts that have been made could lead to a new kind of event and just add another fun thing to do.

Also, if this is possible and wouldn't be too hard... Obviously, this event isn't going to last forever, but because it can't be added to the Event Shop (at least in the same way as the other Events), I was thinking about a way to make it available in the future: the Old Charm.

As you can see above, the sprite for this item already exists on the server (all items do). Basically, if you obtain an Old Charm, then for one week, you will be able to obtain the Mega Pokémon from the event. (If there turn out to be multiple events, then they could be like the Maps and have exactly the same sprite but be called different things, like Old Charm (Haxorus).) The Old Charm comes into effect as soon as it is obtained, and cannot be traded. You also cannot obtain an Old Charm while you already have one. A week after it is obtained, it will disappear, and maybe you can get a notification saying "The Old Charm (Haxorus) has mysteriously vanished..." or something.

They could be obtained in Boxes, while Rumbling, or however Riako decides to implement them (though I personally think it would be better if they weren't for Nuggets, so everyone has a chance to get them, since they aren't possible to trade; I also think that they should be really rare).

Adding to this, maybe the limited-time-to-get-Mega-Pokémon events that were discussed earlier could just be to get a free Old Charm of the Pokémon in question after completing a certain task rather than some specially coded thing that will only last for a month anyway. I'm not sure, but I think this might make it slightly easier to code.

The reason for this idea is that, since Mega Pokémon are needed for the Pokédex, even these event ones have to be made available again in the future. I just thought this would be a creative way of doing it. ^^
What are everyone's thoughts on this?