Hotaru grumbled.Where to now?It seems that it's his unlucky day
today.Sure he hated people but this needs to stop now.He sighed and
turned around,ready to hangout at the city.
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,
Hotaru grumbled,walking past Axel.He noticed him but decided to
stay quiet.Are they making death wishes by hanging out at the dark
and eerie forest where ghosts and dark pokemon stay?Whatever.He
needed to go to the city immediately.
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,
Leli watched bugs, birds, things like that float by. Nothing caught
her interest. She was ready to go back to the dorm when she saw an
unusually colored butterfly. Luckily she had brought her camera, so
she approached it and took a picture as it flew off of the flower.
"It's a nice picture," she said to herself. The camera had focused
well on the butterfly, so now she could go back and draw it.
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
Hotaru had was away from the forest and now was in the garden.He
saw exactly three people there.Yup.The same people.Probably having
a love conflict or something.He walked past Sally,bumping
shoulders,or should I say,bumping his arm to her shoulder.
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,