Forum Thread
Pokemon Gijinka College
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokemon Gijinka College
[spoiler] Name: Tundra
Age (REBEL TIME!!): 4
Gender: male
Rank: Savannah's friend\Pokemon XD
Personality: very friendly
History: Lives with his big papa beartic, his mother was caught by team Plasma.
Hobbies: likes to build snowmen.
BF/GF: too young
Crush: none
Other: Loves playing with snow
Name: Blizzard
Age: 32
Gender: male
Personality:Protective of his son and very friendly to friends.
History: {Look at Tundra's}
Rank: Savannah's friend\Pokemon XD
Hobbies: Protecting Tundra, his son
BF/GF: None
Crush: none
Other: none
Age (REBEL TIME!!): 4
Gender: male

Rank: Savannah's friend\Pokemon XD
Personality: very friendly
History: Lives with his big papa beartic, his mother was caught by team Plasma.
Hobbies: likes to build snowmen.
BF/GF: too young
Crush: none
Other: Loves playing with snow
Name: Blizzard
Age: 32
Gender: male

Personality:Protective of his son and very friendly to friends.
History: {Look at Tundra's}
Rank: Savannah's friend\Pokemon XD
Hobbies: Protecting Tundra, his son
BF/GF: None
Crush: none
Other: none
Borkul goes into his dorm, looks around for Senna, "Must have left..." he thinks out loud.
Sits and thinks for awhile on his bed.
Borkul cries in his dorm.
Borkul continues to cry in his dorm.