Forum Thread
The Magic World (Open, and Accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Magic World (Open, and Accepting)Sign up

No killing other user with out pal padding them first to see if there okay with it.
No Mentioning a creature that is not in the codex with out pal padding me.
No killing a creature that is not in the wild.
No using spells that you haven't unlocked.
No godmoding.
All PH rules apply.
User stats
Rank, Info and Jewels.

User:Memeizard Name:Krystal Blackwood Class: alchemist Rank:1 Exp:0/9 Jewels:1000
User:Deme128 Name:Demetrius Class:Wizard Rank:1 Exp:0/9 Jewels:1000
User:Colinthewierd Name:Kamui Class:Knight Rank:1 Exp:0/9 Jewels:1000
User:Anime Name:Aurora Class:Dragon Spawn Rank:1 Exp:0/9 Jewels:1000
User: Name: Class: Rank:1 Exp:0/9 Jewels:1000
Xp need for level: Rank 2 needs 9 Xp, points 3 needs 20 Xp, Rank 4 needs 40 and 5 needs 70
Move index

Wizard learns: Wand zap at rank 1 (Throws a small spark at a target requires a wand)
Witch: Potions: Fire potion unlimited at rank 1 (Throw able, ignites target on fire, as much as a water balloon would get someone wet) Sleep potion (Requires water vapor and spider eyes one use puts target asleep)
Alchemist:Can bend any Object (None organic, and none metal) into any thing , as long it obeys equivalent exchange, available at rank 1
Knights: Use there weapon to slash, stab or shoot target, available at rank 1
Dragon spawn: Using there dragonstone can transform into a dragon, available at rank 1
And can also breath fire, available at rank 1
Young Angel: Light blast (A small blast of light flies from there hands at the target) available at rank 1
Dark Angel: Pure evil blast (A small blast of dark energy flies from there hands at the target.) available at rank 1
More classes and attacks coming soon.
Bought for 10,000 jewels, mods to this forum how ever can make one for free, pal pad me if you wish to become a mod.
The max amount of people in a team is four.
Monster codex

Giant spider: Recommend rank:1 Dropped items: Spider eyes Current amount in wild:140
Harpy: Recommend rank:2 Dropped items: Harpy wing Current amount in wild:40
Semi large snake: Recommend rank:2 Dropped items: Snake fang Current amount in wild:55
Wind elemental:Recommend rank:5 Dropped items: Water vapor Current amount in wild:0
More coming soon. pal pad suggestions.
Guild hall
*You enter the guild hall, you see a bunch of tables and chairs with people talking to each other well eating or drinking, you walk over to the right hand side and see the quest board, where quest are posted daily.* (Doing quests are how you rank up and obtain jewels, if you are in a team and multiple people of your team go on a quest, the reward will be split.) Quests will be added and removed daily.
Quest board.
If it has a [x] it is taken.
"Please clear a path out of town by Defeating 10 Giant spiders," Reward-3000 jewels and 30Xp [x]
"Please clear a path out of town by Defeating 5 Semi large snakes," Reward-3000 jewels and 40Xp[]
"Please help clear the mountain of harpies by defeating 5 its dangerous up there." Reward-3000 jewels and 40Xp []
"I need to make a potion please bring me 9 Spider eyes" Reward-4000 jewels and 30Xp []

(Question, do I have to draw a transmutation circle every time I want to do alchemy, or is it just for anything other than my fire alchemy, or do I not have to at all?)

(Circles are needed, but you could have them on your hands or gloves, always remember equivalent exchange.)
And Proud owner of the first shiny Eruption Castform!
She pressed her hands on the transmutation circle, and made the ground rise up and stab the spider. "Man, these spiders may be giant, but they aren't very strong." Suddenly, a colossal spider walked up behind her. "I take back what I just said. You, sir, are a very giant spider and you're probably strong too. I'll fight you later." She ran away as fast as she could. "I hate bugs! I'll just stick with the smaller giant spiders for now."

And Proud owner of the first shiny Eruption Castform!