(Tells Sav via mind msg) "I overheard the conversation. Since stone
is an element of this planet, I can try to turn him back if not
there's option 2... a kiss of true love.."
shocked sav forgets about what she had in mind for the dark
versions and responds to lasshura ''when you can try and helping
him but for now relax'' as she drops the shield that was around the
wildflowers and grassy field then goes back to her body and starts
to rest
"Bleh, I'm so weak.. I need to retreat" (Lasshura teleports herself
and the Nightmare statue to the Nature Realm) "Atleast her I can
never go below 5% energy left.. and I recover faster."
after sleeping a bit sav wakes up and sees that the nightmare
statue is gone not knowing what to do so goes to where it was and
see's a necklace not knowing who it belong to she picks it up and
puts it on but is injured badly so she switches forms and walks
around in her eevee form to try and heal
after getting a better look at the spirit orb sav thought to
herself ''either this is a wild umbreons soul or its nightmare's i
wonder if he is able to hear my thoughts other wise i may have to
find another way to talk to him until i can switch back to my human
form'' then she got lasshuras message and jumps back away from him
out of caution and for being scared