I'm sure many people have been in a situation where it was
difficult for them to copy-paste things, such as links, usually on
a mobile device. I know I have :p It's even more difficult in the
chat, especially when it's active and everything keeps getting
bumped up. I would really like it if links would be made clickable
in the chat, so they wouldn't need to be copied and pasted, or
possibly not even looked at if it's impossible to copy them xD
EDIT: An alternate option would be to have the BBCode for links
available in the chat.
Full support from me as well! When I first saw that the Chat
automatically highlighted links but didn't actually let you click
them... I was bewildered, to say the least. XD
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a
Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!