Forum Thread
Pokeheroes 10 Day Challenge
Forum-Index → Discussion → Pokeheroes 10 Day ChallengeI'm pretty sure most of you are familiar with 30 day challenges. I was talking to my very artistic friend Eri_Lis14, but they had to go. So, while they were gone, I posted a 30 day challenge for "Fairy Tail." I decided I should answer too, considering I got an answer to it. In the meantime, Eri_Lis14 Palpaded me. I told them I was busy before, and apologized for not responding. After a few minutes of talking, I came up with an idea. Why not make a challenge for Pokeheroes? Thus, this thread was born.
I came up with 10 questions for you to answer, so without further ado, The Pokeheroes 10 Day Challenge!

Alright, day one!
Aaaaaand I'm stuck. I give up. There is no way to answer that!
Um uuuh uuuummmm do I go with my daughter, my good friend, that one guy, my friend that helps me out a bunch with pokemon and items, that other guy- THERE'S TOO MANY CHOICES
Favorite Users are:

Day 1:
I have WAY too many.
Ima list just a few though that are my favorites.
Those are my 4 closest PH friends
Day 2:
Palpad. No contest
Day 3:
Oh god O_O there are waaaaaay too many. But probably.....
Me and Iskandar's glorious conversation on magic
24/06, 17:47HahahA its not working anymore XD
24/06, 17:48rukjsdgswohghreducbu3ecugefhb
WHY WAS I NOT TOLD (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻
24/06, 17:49Ouuuchhh, you flipped that table right over my feet T__T
24/06, 17:49Ok, I'll pick it up *uses the force*
(/¯◡ ‿ ◡)/¯ ~ ┻━┻
I can use magic
24/06, 17:52hahahhahahaha you're too funny XD
24/06, thought I was kidding? *pulls rabbit out of hat*
24/06, 17:52OMG *oo*
Wait, this rabbit is dead x_X
24/06, 17:53No its not *throws it* but now it is
24/06, 17:53Ohh sh*t x____________X
R.I.P Magical Rabbit
24/06, 17:54It wasn't magic. *dramitacally turns around* I am
24/06, 17:55Poor old woman, look. You threw the dead rabbit right on her face
24/06, 17:56On the bright side, she has a new pet
24/06, 17:57I hope she don't give the dead body to her grandsons x_X
24/06, 17:58Fool, they're dead too
24/06, 17:59x_____________X
~dies too~
24/06, 18:00Mom! I killed Iskander again!
24/06, 18:00~whispers: don't throw me on the sea~
24/06, 18:02*throws you in the ocean and lights fireworks*
24/06, 18:03Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;___;
~come back to life and dies drowning~
24/06, 18:04*puts your corpse in the closet* I fulfilled your wish, you didn't die in the sea
24/06, 18:23Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <3
Worst noob moment

Favorite feature is definitely the notification page. I've been on some other sites and it's impossible to form connections or make friends since there's really no way to talk to others without a lot of effort. I like being able to see my friends streams of consciousness and all the weird things they post, and the notification home page is great because sometimes i can help out a random user with a question and quickly see everything I've commented on.
Fav feature with just the pokemon is the rumble areas; who doesn't like free stuff? Especially since that's where all my boxes and keys come from o3o

Day 3, best palpad message is probably this one.

Day four! Worst noob moment... definitely the time I asked a question on one of Riako's feeds that he had completely answered within the feed itself, and he called me out on it.
But I like to think I redeemed myself by marrying his step-daughter, so ha.