Forum Thread
-The Apple Kingdom-
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → -The Apple Kingdom-Our great Kingdom is on the active thread list? Even the King himself has to see it with his own eyes.... It is true my beloved citizen! We have risen to the top. (Almost, as the darned Pumpa lovers are still ahead of us. :p)

-The King has granted a Golden Apple-Medal of honor to Ufimtsev!
The King has granted a Golden Apple-Medal of honor to Ufimtsev for still unknown reasons. The Apple-Press asked about this sudden and early mark of respect from the King but only received this obscure reply:
"As the King of Apples I may or may not grant medals to citizen as I see it fit with or without good reasons. I have been impressed with Ufimtsev's level of loyalty to Apples and her kindness towards her King."
It seems like there is no certain criteria for obtaining a Golden Apple-Medal of honor as our peculiar King does as he pleases. Furthermore, it is unclear whether there is even a change to obtain this medal of honor in the future or whether this is the only one. Seems like only time will tell.
Thank you for the Medal! Just thinking about golden apples makes me hungry for some...who doesn't want to eat them all the time? Anyways, I love all kinds of apples equally~ >w<

But Apple with Caramel and chocolate... Yum! Haven't had either one in a while, but I might let myself be guilty on an occasion. :D