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1x1 with CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen
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Roleplay → Private RP → 1x1 with CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen
Posted: Wed, 26/02/2014 22:55 (11 Years ago)
"Yeah! Now I can use... Harden. Yay... Cannot WAIt till this thing
Posted: Wed, 26/02/2014 22:56 (11 Years ago)
*sees violet town* hey look i see the town*
trainer: aww arent you the lovely couple but which one is
me: ?
Posted: Wed, 26/02/2014 23:02 (11 Years ago)
"Disgusting.. METAPOD USE HARDEN!... Okay scratch that.. Cyndaquil
yoiu ember on the ground! You have made me angry lady!"
Posted: Wed, 26/02/2014 23:03 (11 Years ago)
calm down there
trainer: yeah you better get your girlfriend
me: has my pokemon attack the trainer out of anger* better?
Posted: Wed, 26/02/2014 23:05 (11 Years ago)
"Yes! I'm going to the pokemon center!" *Sticks nose in the air*
Posted: Wed, 26/02/2014 23:06 (11 Years ago)
then you got to beat me there first* runs to the center* :P
Posted: Wed, 26/02/2014 23:10 (11 Years ago)
*Gets competitive* "Oh yeah?" *Runs faster*
(Gtg cya for NOWW)
Posted: Wed, 26/02/2014 23:13 (11 Years ago)
(awww ok)
*runs even faster*
Posted: Thu, 27/02/2014 17:56 (11 Years ago)
*Gets to Pokecenter* "Darn it!! So close! Hmf you beat me at
Posted: Thu, 27/02/2014 20:38 (11 Years ago)
You got hoot-hoot before me >.> *heals pokemon*
Posted: Fri, 28/02/2014 04:51 (11 Years ago)
"... Oh yeah xD . Here nurse Joy heal my Pokemon." (Cyndaquil
Metapod Hoothoot)
Posted: Fri, 28/02/2014 11:19 (11 Years ago)
bell sprout tower is here for new trainers to train at want to go
there before fighting the gym?
Posted: Fri, 28/02/2014 15:51 (11 Years ago)
(Why are you always online when I'm offline and vice versa Xd )
"Sure! Hoothoot and Cyndaquil will kick those Bellsprout's butts!
As for Metapod... well yeah!"
Posted: Fri, 28/02/2014 20:30 (11 Years ago)
(we live in different time zones >.>)
*gives a exp share* i found it and you can use it :3
Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 01:20 (11 Years ago)
*Gives to Metapod* I hope this thing evolves soon.. Cuz it sucks xD
Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 01:27 (11 Years ago)
(well we are both online now since this message was up)
lets go now :)
*head over to bellsprout tower
Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 22:42 (11 Years ago)
(Not anymore xD )
"Okayokay! I have to put this EXP Sh.. Hey! Wait up! Come on
Posted: Sat, 01/03/2014 23:41 (11 Years ago)
*is inside the building fighting pokemon and mages
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 00:28 (11 Years ago)
Okay.. Cyndaquil, use Ember on Bellsprout! Yeah! Good job
Cyndaquil! Wait.. You have more Bellsprout? WHAT'S THE POINT OF
Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 00:29 (11 Years ago)
My ice Ralts Glows white* huh?
*it turns into Ice Princess*
AWESEOME! :D use ice beam* ice princess use blizzard instead* wow a
new move!