Forum Thread
LightClan- A Warrior Cats RP {Open and Accepting~!}
Forum-Index → Roleplay → LightClan- A Warrior Cats RP {Open and Accepting~!}never again will you be able to return... ♪

Age:3 moons
Occupation (warrior, apprentice, etc.):
Appearance:Pure white cat with light mint eyes
Kin:Mother, Finchwing (Alive)
History:His sister Lynxkit died at 1 moon from greencough. Since he didn't have any siblings, he mostly hung out at the Elder's den or with his mom. He always had trouble connecting with the other kits in the nursery.
Other: Member of Lightclan, proved himself to be a good hunter (for a kit) and an awful fighter.
Age: 26 moons
Gender: She-cat
Occupation: Queen
Appearance: Light ginger tabby with amber eyes
Kin: Kits, Cottonkit (Alive), Lynxkit (Dead)
Mate:Bobtail (Background character I guess)
History: Finchwing originally wanted to be a medicine originally since she hates fighting, but decided against it since she had trouble with herbs and loved to hunt. She knew Bobtail ever since she was a kit. Cottonkit and Lynxkit are their first litter.
Other: Is a great hunter, and Bobtail is much better at fighting