Forum Thread
More eggs at the lab
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → More eggs at the labWhenever I wanna adopt an egg from the lab, the egg I have my eyes on gets taken right away, and I never get the chance to get a new Pokemon.
Basicly, there should be an increase of eggs at the lab, like increasing the number of eggs from 3 to 6. That way we all get a fair chance of getting a good egg.

I agree that it's annoying when their all easy or bug types sitting in there waiting to be adopted, but be patient. It's not like they stay in the lab all day.
Well, with more than 50k registered users and more than 5k go online within 24 hours, I'm pretty sure the lab will be available to take eggs easily at some point..
Anyways, if you want to take eggs that YOU want, please realize that you're not the only one in the website that wants some kind of egg. You see that 'rare' rarity yet it gets taken, it's because they also want the rare Pokemon now, don't they? You see the 'dark' type but it gets taken, that's because they also want it, right?
I can see how useful this would be if we had like 10-15k online within 24 hours, because that will make the Lab crowded, however for now I believe it's totally fine with 2-5k online in 24 hours.
Usually at any given time there is generally around 300 members that are online(I say usually and generally because special events do tend to raise the online userbase to 500+), and you also have to take into account that a lot of those members that are currently online are shiny hunting and thus don't need the lab.
The only time the 3 egg thing is a problem is on 3x days, but those days are rare so you don't really encounter that problem.
Once the userbase grows, then I will agree we do need more. But it's fine as it is now.
I have only gotten one starter egg, and for all I know, people snag them faster and I can't tell.
This is why having multiple eggs would really help for us all. Cause there are times when about 500-1000 members are logged in at a time, and they take eggs like CRAZY!
First is the instagrab tactic. Grab an egg before any info appears, sometimes you get lucky.
Second tactic is the type-stalking. If you want a starter, grab any grass, fire, or water eggs. If you want a legendary bird go for ice, fire, and electric. Ditto is normal
Third is the premium account. It upgrades your lab scanning equipment so you can see the type of the egg at 10 seconds, the rarity at (40 i think) and the pokemon a bit later
Since you don't have premium right now, I advise you stick with the first method (which is the one I use tbh) - people will always be grabbing fire eggs at 10 seconds for example, because it can be a starter or a legend. Other than the need to compete on x2 or x3 days, it is a fairly effective method.
(IE, with premium I've never actually seen a legend or ditto egg have a chance to reveal itself, so you probably never will)
The most effective way for your suggestion to work would be to suggest buyable upgrades/slots (up to three for the total of six)
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
If you are having such a problem, I suggest saving for premium like everyone else
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
I understand this whole concept of "everyone deserves a fair chance" but how is it fair or profitable for someone who spent 20$ on premium has the same perks as someone who hasn't? It's not. And if we do this then what's to stop negating other premium benefits as well? Just to make it so "everyone has a fair chance?" Besides, getting decent eggs in the lab with everyone having the same chances doesn't guarantee you'll get better eggs. You'll still be competing with every lab hunter on site, this doesn't solve your problem. There are other ways to get the eggs you need other than the lab so no need to change it.
No support.
It's already fair enough, you just have to get lucky. And if youre that desperate, buy the pokemon from the auction house if you see it.