Forum Thread
One by one (Pokemon story)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanfictions → One by one (Pokemon story)CHAPTER ONE:
It all started with a Wingull.
Almost no one noticed. After all, Slateport city was always busy, so there was often little time for someones missing Pokemon.
Until it happened again. And again.
Few things ever got past Elliot Morenton, the local detective, and when they did it was usually a meal skipped because of a case he was working on. Elliot was in his early thirties, wore a blue jacket nearly every day, and had flaming red hair rather difficult to hide. He lived by himself with his Altaria, Shawn, and his Crawdaunt, Lucia. When the phone call came in early that morning, Elliot was ready and there to answer it. "Hmmm... Missing Pokemon? Sounds serious... Alright, I'll be there right away." He set his phone down. "Shawn? Lucia? We officially have a new case."

Made by KaitoTemari!

Made by Kasumeme!

Made by CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen!
Waves lapped calmly over the beach as Elliot poked underneath any object he could get his hands on. "Hey, Shawn, Lucia! Did either of you find anything yet?" Shawn shook his head sadly, his cloudlike wings drooping. However, Lucia was completely still, her claws help limp to the side. "Don't worry, Lucia." Said Elliot, walking to her side. "I'm sure we'll find something about the missing Pokemon soon." However, when Lucia turned to face him, there was something... off. Elliot didn't think too much about it until Lucia launched a razor shell right at his head. "Wha... Lucia, whats gotten into you?!" He cried as the attack barely missed him. With a shriek, Shawn sent a dragon pulse at Lucia, and she stopped attacking. Looking as worried as a Crawdaunt could, Lucia helped Elliot to his feet. "I don't know what just happened there, but whatever it is, I have the feeling it's connected to the disaperences. Now all we have to do is figure out what..." Said Elliot thoughtfully. Well, there was one more thing they could do, but Elliot wasn't too sure what would happen... or what they could find.
P.S: I'm adding Shawn and Lucia's moveset, mostly for my own reference.
Shawn: Dragon pulse, Take down, Sing, and Round.
Lucia: Crunch, Razor shell, Bubble beam, and Protect.

Made by KaitoTemari!

Made by Kasumeme!

Made by CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen!