Forum Thread
Liffy's Art Shop (CLOSED)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Liffy's Art Shop (CLOSED)
I know some of waited fot this so long but... I decided to re-open my art shop because I start my studies next month and sadly the brutal study life is expensive, means I'd love to get some nuggets for my art to buy me premium memberships or rather I'm planning to save nuggets for a 6-month premium membership. No worries, I'm still fine with other payment methods as well. ♥

What can I order?
♠ Avatars, sketches as well as colored sketches, artworks with easy backgrounds, chibis
=> if you wish something specific don't be shy to write me a PM. Maybe there is a way to fulfill your request. C;
I draw:
♠ Pokémon/Pokesonas
♠ Furries/fursonas
♠ humans new!
(only headshots/busts so far, except for chibis - they're easier to draw for me! uvu)
I won't draw:
♠ Detailed backgrounds (unfortunately time-consuming)
If you want to order something from me you have to copy and fill out the following code:

=> partner avatars are possible!
[x] [x] [x]
Colored sketches:
[x] [x] [x]
[x] [x] [x]
[x] [x] [x]
[x] [x] [x]
Logos/watermarks: new!
=> comes with a colored and transparent picture,
on request as Photoshop brush



Colored sketches





=> All prices are depending on complexibility and the amount of every additional character.
=> If you want to pay in shinies or gems it's up to you how much you would like to offer. I'm mostly interested in shinies I don't have yet. Here you can find all my collected shinies so far.

Finished orders
Username: Bakaa
Kind of commission: Artwork
Quantity: Just oooone please~ <3
Reference: Bakaa's pokesona. Easy one,he? didn't know how to dress her up cute.. .w.
> Please with background? ;////w////;
and take your time
Password: Military Fashion Sheep.
Note for you:
If you think it's to simple for the artwork etc etc. i dont mind if you change it into anything else ;///u///; ♥
I'd pay 800 or moreeeee
Username: Bear
Kind of commission: Avatar
Quantity: Just 1 avatar please ♥
Reference: Frankie, My fursona Ignore the rainbow flag, and rainbow face paint.
Extras: If you could do a simple rainbow background, that'd be lovely.<3
Password: Military Fashion Sheep
I'll send your 500 nuggets now ~
Thank you so much for your order and the payment. ;n; ♥ Before I start with your avatar I need to ask you some things: What kind of animal is your Frankie? It looks like a ferret to me but I'm not quite sure (btw what a cutie! <3). And I would say that your fursona is female, right? Sorry for all those questions, I just want everything in there correctly. ;//u//;
Of course, this shouldn't be a problem! <3 Please take your time with your reference. There is no need to rush. C:

Hello Liffy, I'd like to order:
Username: Dracadia
Kind of commission: Avatar
Quantity: x1
Reference: Here (by est123)
She also has a pastel blue bow around one of her long antennae.
Extras: Playing with her bow, perhaps? A pastel background with hearts would be cute!
Password: Military Fashion Sheep

edit: Oh, and also big thanks for your payment! ;U; I'm going to start with your avatar as soon as I get the reference. <3

Here's a slightly better ref of more of her posture/body if it helps at all

Username: Sorey
Kind of commission: Sketches ♡ (and maybe a Artwork?)
Quantity: one sketches and maybe also one artwork from my PokéSona
Reference: I will send you via PM to 13:25 clock (German time) my PokéSona I did not well marked, so sorry ;; × ;;
Extras: transparent background please ♡
Password: Military Fashion Sheep
I'll you with PD pay, if that is OK (and then you get a little nuggets of me ♡)
Thank your for your order in your interest in my stuff. ;u; I'm going to update my art shop in the course of the day because I think I got enough Nuggets that I can also accept PD for now. <3 But you have to know that the artwork could take some time if you're fine with it. I need to finish two other commissions first before I can start with the artwork. A sketch is of course a way easier, so you don't have to wait too long for it. You can send me your reference with your wishes via PM in German (sometimes I prefer to talk with others in my native language :D) if you like. ♥

Username: -Ima-
Kind of commission: Chibi
Quantity: x1
Reference: x x
Extras: Uhhh, may you draw her possibly being shy? >o< Like she's blushing, sitting down and poking 2 fingers together and saying "nyaaa..." and a heart after it :'3 Also a transparent background but with a shadow behind her for the background ~
Password: Military Fashion Sheep <3
Btw, could you maybe PalPad/PM me the finished outcome, please? And I'll send 500 Nuggets now <3

Username: Abby
Kind of commission: Sketch
Quantity: 2 if possible, if not, then 1 :b
Reference: Yuu - Yuuuu aaand big Yuu
Extras: I am still not sure if I want the sketch as the two first samples or colored ;; because I love both options nhhnng. Either way I'd ask for two: one for small Yuu (two first samples) and the other for big Yuu (the last sample by Rabou). The refs for small Yuu are pretty accurate, he's slightly chibi-sh because he's tiny. For big one he's supposed to be a dog-god-warrior somehow ^^; he looks pretty good on Rabou's drawing but you can draw your own vision of it :3 as long as it's dog-like.
Password: I hope I am not mistaken o: Military Fashion Sheep
But hm would you propose me a price for the total of the two sketches? >-<
Thank you for your order and the payment. ;x; I'm going to draw the sketch of your chibi as soon as possible. Of course I'll inform you via PalPad. ♥
Gosh, thank you for your order as well! <3 I'm more than fine with two sketches, fortuntely I'm pretty fast with them. I'm pretty sure I'll have fun with Yuu, love his design and those colors... and one big yay for the Okami style ♥ Do you prefer to pay with nuggets or PD? I'd take 100 Nuggets for both sketches without colors, for the colored versions about 450 nuggets (think I can reduce the price for sketches). If you decide to pay with PD I need to think about it first since I haven't set the prices yet... <//<

I would prefer to pay in PD usually but if it's 100 nuggets for the uncolored sketches in the style of the two first examples (fullbodies) them I'm good with it ovo/ I can do the 100 nuggets + small 20k PD extra if it sounds good to you? o:
And I will be waiting for the PD prices for the future :3