Forum Thread
Highschool for fairies
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Highschool for fairies“Dad, I am glad I found you. Why did you leave mom and I?” Isabel asked.
He is my buddy Adam.
“And you never came back.” Isabel said getting frustrated.
“Yeah, about that...” Riley began.
“Save it. You are a good for nothing father.” Isabel said fleeing the room. She ran right into a door in the hall which accidentally knocked it down.
“Um, sorry for knocking down your door.” she said as she saw a girl crying. “Are you alright?”
He is my buddy Adam.
Name: Kim
Age 1576
Gender Female
Type of fairy: Time
Appereance: She has long blonde hair and blue eyes. Her skin is usually pale. She wears a black long skirt [Sometimes grey yoga pants], a blue shirt, and a lab coat. She is average size.
Crush: Riley
Boy/ Girl friend: None
Hobbies: Reading a good love story and helping Riley on his latest experiments.
Past history: To be revealed.
Others She has learned six different languages and has six masters degrees. She also gives out starbursts.
Password Fairy Luv