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Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions AlliFox
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 32
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 20:11 (9 Years ago)
One summer day 2 Trainers (SissyFox and AlliCat) were having a Pokemon battle.
"Go, Mimew!"
"Go, Lucky Star!
"Mimew, use Perish screech!"
"My ears..."
And Mawile / Lucky Star fainted.

Alli gave up and went fishing, to find.... A SHINY LUVDISC!!!!!
Sissy walked next to Alli.
"Y'know, 2 trainers who see a Luvdisc are blessed with eternal love..."
They blushed and looked away from each other.
"want to go out to eat?"
and the 2 faded to the sunset.
But what's this? The Luvdisc... IT'S THE ILLUMINATI!

I was paid to do this. >D<
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 918
Posted: Thu, 23/07/2015 22:22 (9 Years ago)
Amongst the sunset they found one of Sissy's favorite places to eat.
"Oh!" Sissy exclaimed and pointed at a what appeared to be a newly finished building, "that place is amazing you have got to try it!"
Before Alli could say anything Sissy grabbed ahold of her wrist and pulled her inside. They took in the smell of frosting and the feeling of warmth.
The two were greeted by an old man, "Ah miss Sissy good to see you" he paused when he noticed Alli, "and I see you've brought a friend"
Sissy nodded, "This is my friend Allicat" she said and turned to her waiting for any kind of response.
Amongst the frozen stillness of being shy, Alli was able to wave using her fingertips
The man continued, " So I'm assuming you'll have the usual" talking to Sissy
She nodded
Then the man turned to Alli "And what will you have miss?"
Alli studdered, not even sure what kind of place this is yet.
"Uh, I, um"
Sissy interuppted her studdering, "Ohhh she should get the mini sampler!" She turned to Alli it have one of ever flavor plus their little mini's!"
Sissy turned back to the man and nodded, meaning their order is finished. The old man rung up the order.
Realizing she had to pay, Alli began to stamper for her wallet. Before she could reach it Sissy slammed down the money.
"I'll be done in a few minutes" said the old man then turned and walked to the kitchen.
Sissy pulled Alli toward the tables and picked one alongside a large window. While Sissy was putting her wallet away, Alli finally was able to pull words out of her mouth.
"Where are we exactly?"
"This is my favorite bakery" Sissy replied with a giggle "I come to this town quite often, it just feels like home to me"
Before Alli could ask anymore questions, the old man came out and served Sissy a vanilla cupcake with chocolate shavings and drizzle, all on a fancy plate; Alli received a much larger plate, filled with a large assortment of miniature cupcakes, all in different colors and toppings.
Sissy immediately began he descent into the cupcake, while Alli nervously said "Thank you" reminding Sissy she must do the same, which she did with a mouth stuffed with cupcake, and with that the man dismissed himself.
Sissy finally swallowed in order to speak, "Alli you have to try this it's, like, a classic" Sissy shoved the cupcake to her face.
"Um n-no thank you" said Alli
"Aw come on its good"
Alli looked down at her own plate. She thought to herself that such a large variety of food could not be cheap. She felt she owed it to Sissy to at least try her food.
Alli took a small nibble, not wanting to take a large bite and causing Sissy to starve.
"No silly you have to take a bigger bite, get an actual taste of it" Sissy then inched the cupcake even closer to Alli's mouth.
Alli tried her best not to blush and took another bite.
Satisfied Sissy continued to eat her snack, while Alli dazzled off a bit
"I just ate from the same cupcake as her" Alli thought to herself
Collecting herself, Alli began to eat her food, trying not to look like a slob in front of Sissy.
Sissy finished her cupcake and stood up. "Be right back, I gotta go to the restroom and wash my hands" and then left for the restroom.
This time without Sissys constant talking gave her some time to remember earlier when she saw the shiny Luvdisc. I know what it means when a regular Luvdisc is seen by two people" She thought to herself, " but what does it mean when the luvdisc is a shiny?" Her mind continued to think other things she imagined her and Sissy being together forever, being able to see the bouncing ball of joy everyday. She imagined what it would be like to be more than friends, to hold hand with her, and hug her and... kiss her.
These thoughts began to invade her face with pink and red. Without realizing it Sissy was already in front of her, analyzing her face. Alli finally snapped out of it.
"Oh, uh, s-sorry I was just thinking" Alli said, embarrassed
"What are you thinking about?" Sissy asked
"Um, n-nothing" Alli looked down
Sissy smiled "I know what youre thinking of"
"Wh-what?!" Alli began to blush again
"Mhmm, who is it?"
"W-who is what?" Alli began to shake
"You know, the guy your thinking of. Who is he?"
Alli paused. "She thinks its a he, but he is a she, and she is her"
Alli swallowed, "I'm not thinking of anyone" She could feel herself sweat
Sissy stared into Alli's eyes.
The light made it so that Alli could see every detail of Sissy's eye. Its brown base being surrounded by green. Alli has never seen such eyes.
"Fine" Sissy grunted "but I'll find out who it is and I will get you to hook up!"
The two finished up their meal and began to find a place for the night.
"I know a good hotel here that I usually stay at, I can show you where it is" said Sissy. She looked at Alli, whom had her head facing the ground. "Are you still thinking about him?"
Alli mumbled
"What was that?"Said Sissy
"It's not a he" Alli finally admitted
Sissy was confused " What do you means its not a he? Who is it then?"
Alli took a deep breath, she prepared to say one of the most dangerous things she's ever said in her life.
"I-it's not a he, i-i-it's a s-she, and s-she-she is-"
Alli felt her entire body being pushed towards Sissy, who caught her, but also caused their lips to be pressed against eachother.. Alli was about to pull away when she felt Sissys lips lock in with her own. Alli hesitated before locking hers as well. Sissy pulled Alli closer by her hips for a deeper kiss, she in turn wrapped her arms around Sissy's neck. Never have either of them felt such passion, and never would have Alli thought this day would come
Their kiss lasted until they both ran out of breath.
"You..."All whispered
They stared into each others eyes for a while, until Alli snapped back into reality and turned around to see what pushed her. They both noticed a pond they didn't see before, and all they saw was a glimmer of gold, vanish.

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 918
Posted: Fri, 07/08/2015 03:14 (9 Years ago)
AlliFox FanFic 2

Currently being written
It was a May morning, the sun had just peaked the top of it's head to make the land shine with beautiful shades of magenta and gold. The little chirps of Fletching was the only thing that broke the stillness of the quiet morning.
The little sunshine that was out peaked through the curtains woke up a particular trainer, Allicat.
She stretched and rolled over slightly until she felt something next to her, SissyFox
"Oh" She thought to herself, "I forgot me and Sissy decided to share a room"
Alli stared in admiration, gazing at the creature next to her, sleeping prettily and gently. Her shirt was running a lot lower than normal, which made Alli's eyes freeze on them and she blushed furiously.
Finally Alli covered Sissy's exposed chest with a blanket so that when Sissy woke, she wouldn't be caught staring.
Alli slowly got out of bed to avoid waking Sissy. She went into the restroom to wash up, brush her hair, brush her teeth, and to change into a new pair of clothes.
When she finished, Alli noticed that Sissy was still sleeping, she thought: "That's weird, last night she told me she was an early birb and that she usually gets up before sunrise".
Bored, and not wanting to leave, Alli looked around the hotel room for something to quietly do.
Right away her eyes caught the sight of a book on a desk alongside Sissy's belongings. She picked it up and analyzed the cover, which had no title, no author, and no picture. She opened to the first page: "Property of: SissyFox".
Alli thought to herself, "I don't think Sissy will mind if I read this"
She turned to the next page which was an index for what seemed to be several short stories.
"The page is handwritten, does that mean... she wrote them?
Alli turned to the first story and read through it all. It was a love story, acceptedly written, but Allicat loved it. She saw the title for the next story in loved a lemon, confused, she read the story and blushed rapidly at what was in it. After she finished, she went back to the index page to find another Lemon, in which showed there was only one other titled "Fish 'n Chips". She flipped to the correct page and was stunned to see her name as the first word. The first paragraph confirmed it was a lemon about her and Sissy.
"Sissy just loves to use 'moist' and 'smacking'".
She read on. Her face ablaze from all the dirty things Sissy was doing to her. She liked it.
Allicat jumped and turned around to see Sissy staring at her.
"Sissy! You were... I was just-".
Sissy walked over and looked at the page Alli had opened. Her eyes teared up and she hide her face with her hands. Sissy ran out of the room without a word.
"No! Sissy, wait!" Alli exclaimed, chasing after her.
"Mimew, lift us out of here!" Yelled Sissy, throwing her pokemon out of its ball, to which it used its psychic power to lift them away.
"Sissy!" Alli screamed at the top of her lungs.
With no response, Alli collapsed on the floor and sobbed. She watched a puddle of tears collect on the floor as she cried untill her eyes burned, and nothing came out.
Alli couldn't feel anything but guilt. She played and replayed ideas in her head of what she should have done besides reading Sissy's book.
She eventuality realized how cold it was when a small piece of ice fell on her head, so she slowly gathered herself up.
"Wait, Sissy has a lower tolerance to cold than I do".
Alli went back into the room to find Sissy's normal and winter clothes still there.
"She left in just her pj's-"
"Oh my god, she's freezing!"
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 654
Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 03:22 (9 Years ago)
Can I goi in f anfic?!1!!11!!1