Forum Thread
Steven Universe RP(Open!)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Steven Universe RP(Open!)"Welcome to Beach City/Homeworld! May i help you?"
☆ The rules :
-PH Rules apply.
-Only two characters by player.
-No godmodding.
-Don't kill the others without their permission! ;b
-Relationships are allowed. But just don't do 18+ stuff.
-Limited OC slots.
-Have fun! bleep ~
☆ Mods :
Applications are closed!
They'll help me with the Roleplay. If someone broke the rules, that person will get an warning! With three warnings you'll get banned.
Mod List :
☆ The characters :
☆ The Crystal Gems :
Ruby : BalloonPikachu
Sapphire : BalloonPikachu
Pearl : shiloh_kawaii_pika
Amethyst : ~Amethyst~
Rose Quartz : AmazingMatt
Steven Universe : (Open)
☆ Homeworld Gems :
Lapis Lazuli : LapisLazuli
Peridot : Star50
Jasper : (Open)
Yellow Diamond : (Open)
☆ Beach City Residents :
Lion : HiddenGlaceon
Connie : (Open)
Lars : (Open)
Sadie : (Open)
-If you'd like to be any other resident, just ask me and i'll think about it.
☆ SU OC/Gemsona Slots :
1- TailsPrower - Calim
2- Glotilde2 - Lace Agate
3- ____ - Cat's Eye
4- powerofwaffle - Zircon
5- NarutoGirl - Red Jasper
6- Emelicious - Jade
7- HiddenGlaceon - Amber
8- braixenflight - Topaz and her pet Lazuli.
9- shiloh_kawaii_pika - Cuprite
10- (Open)
☆ Forms :
☆ Warned Players :
☆ Banned Players :
☆ Extra Stuff :
Yes you may fuse with your
It doesn't matter if you're from homeworld, you can be a good gem if you want.
It doesn't matter if you're from homeworld, you can be a good gem if you want.
Have fun! Thanks ~
Weapon: OH OH OH how about a really, really big fork.
Describe your 'Sona/OC: ( It's not mine her gem is on her tongue and I was being lazy when I did this >~<
Will you folow the rules: yup yup
Weapon: sharp laces (I'll get an image)
Describe your 'Sona /OC: Lace agate is a gem that looks like 6-years old child
Her gem is somewhere near her left eye and forehead and she wears a light blue
Dress and purple-ish boots, she has a pale purple hair that has pigtails and has
Normal, black eyes
Will you follow the rules?: YES!
Don't starve >:3
Which character do you want to be? : Sapphire
If the gem you chose, doesnt have an confirmed weapon yet, you can choose one. : Perhaps gloves made of ice shards?
Will you follow the rules?(We'll keep an eye on each one of you! Rawr o3o) : Why yes of course~
Username : ____
Weapon : Kind of like wolverines claws, but they are like, multiple blades on something you hold in a fist, but they can extend
Describe your 'Sona/OC : Cat's Eye, her gem will be on her covered eye instead of on her chest, she'll have kind of calico cat like colored skin, gloves that open at her fingers, as well as no shoes and her hair is an orangy-brown color with different highlight colors. She has a very bubbly light hearted personality, always loving to play and kind of has a kitten like attitude, where she never has any bad intentions, but sometimes will break things~
Kind of like this
Will you folow the rules?(We'll keep an eye on each one of you! Rawr o3o) : Yes yes
Which character do you want to be? : Peridot
If the gem you chose, doesnt have an confirmed weapon yet, you can choose one. : (*needs to think*)
Will you follow the rules?: Aye, cap'n!
Name of the 'Sona/OC : Calim
Weapon : Bow and bag of arrows in back.
Describe your 'Sona/OC : Crush on Lapis Lazuli, cares for friends, see potential in Steven.
Will you folow the rules?(We'll keep an eye on each one of you! Rawr o3o) : Im a mod, yes.
Name of the 'Sona/OC : Jade
Weapon : bow and a double sided axe (yeah shes a fusion of nephrite and jadeite, Deal with it 8) )
Describe your 'Sona/OC :
Will you folow the rules?(We'll keep an eye on each one of you! Rawr o3o) : yes ma'am
Username : HiddenGlaceon
Name of the 'Sona/OC : Amber
Weapon : knives and daggers~
Describe your 'Sona/OC : long brown hair with streakes of gold, tall and lean, wears red flannels and jean shorts is and is bare-foot
her gem is on her nose
part of the homeworld :3
Will you folow the rules?(We'll keep an eye on each one of you! Rawr o3o) : yup :3
Name of the 'Sona/OC : Amber
Weapon : knives and daggers~
Describe your 'Sona/OC : long brown hair with streakes of gold, tall and lean, wears red flannels and jean shorts is and is bare-foot
her gem is on her nose
part of the homeworld :3
Will you folow the rules?(We'll keep an eye on each one of you! Rawr o3o) : yup :3