Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Mini-Games

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I had to suggest this because all the games in the game center are old , now its pretty boring
Describe the game better. We can already try and catch really fast pokemon in the safari zone.
You didn't describe any other games - if you want "More minigames" you should describe at least two.
To all those just posting support, that is considered spam
And to rangonical - because you wouldn't use a feature is no reason to quit
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
i could like more varities of minigames, but by the other side
we already have the safari zone.... as Nessy said....
i'm not sure right now if i support

Don't starve >:3

Though there's not much reasons why. And I get that the games ARE boring, but still you should be specific.

Journal of Misc
Title: games in the game center
i would like a game like:
9 holes are there. we have 1 minute time. 2 different types of pokemon comes out of every hole each time. eg if a mareep comes out of a hole one time, the next time another pokemon like a charmander will come. you will get a hammer to hit the pokemon. once you hit a pokemon in a hole it will not go and other pokemon can not come. in the side in a box the picture of a pokemon is shown. you have to hit that pokemon in one minute. if you hit the pokemon correctly in 9 holes you win and get a prize. if you hit the wrong pokemon you will lose. you don't need to bet with pokedollar or gamechips.
hope you like this game:P

I'm all for new game center games if you actually explain the games and not just an image.