Forum Thread
Shiny Mega Manectric Hunt Electric Gem Search
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Item Trades → Shiny Mega Manectric Hunt Electric Gem Search

I'm currently looking for

Right now I am buying gems for 500 PD each so please help out if you can. Soon I might add some items I have to exchange for gems. Also I might raffle off slots for both shinies and mega-ables.

Vouchers (x49 Lugia) = 75 Gems each
Plates (Sky, Zap, Mind, Draco, Dread, Earth, Flame, Pixie, Stone, Toxic, Icicle, Insect, Meadow, Splash (x3) Spooky (x2)) = 50 Gems each
Rotom items (Electric Fan , Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Lawnmower, Microwave) = 50 Gems each
Orbs (Red Orb (x3), Blue Orb (x2), Green Orb (x3), Enigma Pearl (x3)) = 75 Gems each
Others (Bottled Message (x18), Hard Rock (x2)) = 60 Gems each
Griseous Crystal (x10) = 80 Gems each
Prison Bottle = 60 Gems
Waiter Dress (Red, Green, Blue (x2) = 60 Gems each
Gold Boxes (x50), Gracidea (x2) = 30 Gems each
Weather Balloons = 20 Gems each

- All PH rules apply
- No scams allowed
- If I don't get back at you right away, just be patient and I'll get back to you as soon as possible
- Any negotiations will be done via Pal Pad
- First come, first serve only

Collecting Teddiursa plushies!

Amount of gems to donate: 100
Item I want (if you want): 1 Terra and 1 Marine Map?
If you have Normal gems i can trade about 1k Eletric for them if you want?
Amount of gems to donate: 100 + 120 + 150 + 300 = 670?
Item I want (if you want):
-Maps (Marine Cave (x2)
-Enigma Stone (x3)
-Light Rock (x2)
-Red Orb
-Green Orb
-Griseous Orb
-Enigma Pearl