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Dark_Chibi's Diary of... Stuff

Forum-Index Diaries Dark_Chibi's Diary of... Stuff
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 231
Posted: Fri, 03/07/2015 01:27 (9 Years ago)
Well, I guess after 2 years of being here, I have to put a diary in at some point, why not now?

Please Do Not Post Here

About me
16 years old
My birthday's on Christmas ~<3
My Chinese Zodiac is a Tiger and my sign is a Capricorn
I am a brony/pegasister
I have ADHD, but it shouldn't do anything, if at all, to my life here
I speak a little Spanish, but my main language is English
I play a ton of video games, my favorites being Pokemon, Okami, Okamiden, Kid Icarus: Uprising, LoZ: Twilight Princess, and LoZ: Skyward Sword
Some of my favorite movies are Pokemon Heroes, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmarron, Brother Bear, and Summer Wars, and my favorite genre of movies is Horror

I'm not too keen about giving out my real name, because honestly I don't really like it. I do watch a lot of anime, my favorites being Code Geass, Black Butler, Inuyasha, Soul Eater, Blue Exorcist, and a couple others I can't remember the name of right now. For my hobbies I do things on Garry's Mod from time to time, watching videos on Youtube (if that's even a hobby), playing video games, and causing a bit of general mayhem, but my biggest hobby is spriting.

Where can you find me other than here?
ninetales12 on Livestream
DarkChibiterasu on Flight Rising
Ninetales12 on Pokefarm Q
DarkChibiterasu1 on Roblox
ninetales12 or skylaskarpix on Steam
Dark_Chibiterasu on this site
Dark_Chibiterasu in Minecraft

I do have a Skype, but that is reserved only for close friends

PalPad is currently open to users, but it will be changed to Friends Only if I get SPAM or too many plain "Hi" messages. If you're going to PalPad me, have a clear thought in mind about what you want to talk to me about.

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 231
Posted: Fri, 03/07/2015 15:15 (9 Years ago)

Title: Friend List

This is a list containing the people I'm friends with organized by how much I talk to them

All day erry day
Furret the egg sacrificer ouo
Professor_Joe the kawaii professor
Rainbowpride the kawaii ghostie
Rare_Pepe the dankest meme
-SuicidalYandere- the peach
Shaymin the Shaymin ouo
Absolute the nurd

Not so much, but we're still good friends

Will edit more later :P
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 231
Posted: Fri, 03/07/2015 16:02 (9 Years ago)

Title: GMod Pics

Here, i will post the pictures of things I do in Garry's Mod. Usually it will be Pokemon stuff, but I may use any other mods I have installed.

Furret no, don't sacrifice those >V (this could also be a "Spot the PH User" game, see if you can spot them all! PalPad me who you think it in the pictureand if you get them all right, then you might win something good ^^ There's also some generic Pokemon in there, like the Shadow Lugia)

Geez, I knew they had tight security to protect Zelda, but isn't that a bit much?

I don't have a caption for this one, so feel free to PalPad me if you come up with one!

Good god, plusle and minun are tiny af

Hey kid, wanna buy some memes?

More will be edited in later!