Forum Thread
[CLOSED] #FriendshipWins
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [CLOSED] #FriendshipWinsWhile thinking about the past two years and the time I've spent on here - almost 125 days in total, ehhh!? - I couldn't help but think about the lovely people I've met during this time, as well. I've become friends with a bunch of awesome people - for which I'm really grateful. <3
'Lii, stop babbling - what has all this to do with my being here???'
Fine, fine. Well, that's pretty easy, actually.
I want you to tell me about your best friend / one of your friends over here. Tell me why they are special to you, why you are friends with them - maybe tell me how you've become friends with them in the first place? - why you love them or maybe sometimes even hate them; pretty much anything works! Just tell me a bit about them. ^^
• Pick one of your friends on PokéHeroes – please, state their name so I know who you're talking about and who to send the bunny to eventually ;) – and write something about them. Please use the form below!• While I won't kick people out for writing only a short paragraph, I'd love to see you writing a bit more about the person in question. Think you can do that for me and them? :)
• Please only enter one friend of yours into this raffle. I know, I know .. 'Buhhh!'But the thing is, while I'd love to hear about aaall of your friends, not everyone has countless friends on here they could name. Therefore, only one entry per person so that everyone has the same chances of winning. :)
• Naturally, all PH rules apply.
Prizes• a mega-able Buneary for that friend of yours
• a shiny Buneary for yourself
• I'll randomly pick one entry using on the 20th of July, 2015. That makes 3 weeks for you guys to enter - that's enough time to come up with a few nice words, now isn't it?
[b][size=12]Lii, let me tell you about that
awesome friend of mine![/size]
Their username[/b]:
[b]Our story[/b]:
Their username[/b]:
[b]Our story[/b]:
Good luck everyone!
.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime
Their username: a_Wild_CHARIZARD!
Our story: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Actually, I don't remember how we met xD it may have been when she was making avatars, and was looking for testers, so I volunteered. Ever since then, we have helped each other out with all sorts ^^ She has also helped cheer me up when I haven't been feeling too great, just by being there to talk too ^^
Sorry it's short, I struggle with writing much
Lii, let me tell you about that awesome friend of mine!
Their username: XiveLightning.
Our story: He's my brother in real life. He's also my BBBFF (Big brother best friend forever. `v` ) He's a big brother, but I've always felt like we're twins. <3 He's always looking out for me and he's the best sibling ever, so I wanted to win something for him.
Their username: NurseJoy
Our story:When she said she wanna battle with me i wasn't able to refuse and i won but i can't see her upset so i chatted with her she was happy to chat with me and she became my bff infact....she is a good friend of mine now ^_^

Feed them a berry please ^_^
Their username: Bustertoise
Our story:It was what more than a month ago that I got my vs seeker . My first battle was against him. He just randomly challenged me to a battle . I lost to him . After that he has been telling me tips for battling . Whatever we sell we ask each other first . Whenever I am battling and he is online than I always ask him for pointers and . He always tells me . I have a lot of friends but he was the first one and the best one .
Their username: davla2
Our story: He is a good friend. We meet at school in the first grade. We played this game together until he forgot about this game, but I try to bring again here, to talk, to play and to trade. I hope I will win something for him to play again this game.
i met Navtej when i was in class 1. We have been BFFs from then and now we help each others in hunts.... we are also , like each other big fans of POKEMON !!!
:D :D
Their username: Yato
Our story:
Okay, let me start from the very beginning and how I and Yato met for the first time: It was a cold and snowy winter in the depths of saxony when I decided to go and buy some food for the weekend. I carried my bag over my shoulder, listened to some music and thought nothing bad. But then, suddenly a random car nearly hit me. I was able to jump aside in the very last second and went insane because of the f- idiot who drove that car. He surely left the car to ask if I was hit and hurt, but I didn´t said anything about my physical condition. I just yelled at him and started to insult him in a very mean way in 3 languages (english, finnish and the little bit of german I knew). Yato apologized a thousand times but I did not listen and left pretty angry.
A few weeks later we met randomly again at a party of a friend he knew from work and I knew from university. So yeah, first I became angry on him because of his stupidity a few weeks ago (even when I know that it was my fault because I listened to loud music and did not care about the cars). But then after a few drinks, we started to talk and realized that we have some similar interests. We started to meet after work and university and well. He became my best friend ever. After some time, the magic happened and we kissed for the very first time. And from that point on, it was 24th of november 2010 we were a couple. Until now.
I really, really wish to win the mega able bunneary for him, because he is the best friend and mate you could ever have. He went to so much trouble with me and my psychiatric diseases, stayed at my worst times and helped me out of nearly every crisis I had. So yeah, he deserved a little gift for being that awesome °^°~
Their username: SundanceShadow
Our story: I admired her from when I joined PH. One day, she commented on my feed. Then I pal padded her. And we started a conversation. Now, after 1 year and 14 days of friendship we best friends ;3
Their username: doodlebud
Our story: Doodle is my brother, and introduced me to the site. He was my first and best friend. He's always there for me (whether I want him or not) and is vary caring. He often gets on my nerves, but I wouldn't trade him for the world. <3

Signature by Tokimaru
Their username: Rabou
Our story: Okay, here is my view of this lovestory. We already know it was in winter. I sat in my old car and played around with the radio. I started the motor, released the handbrake and left the parking space. This song was playing and in the next moment he stand before my bonnet. >.<
I braked so hard, I remember how hard my heart was beating in this moment. Yep and in the next moment he was yelling at me. In 3 different languages and I just apologized over and over again. His hair was green and he reminded me of a angry goblin (a cute one). It was so embarrassing with all the people starring around us. xD
Later we met again at this boring party (I prefer my sofa), but it was nice with him and so I drove him home. I fell in love with with this crazy guy and he makes me happy everyday. I hate to see him sad and the only thing I want is to make him happy. Maybe it's naive and stupid, but I live to support him. And he is also awesome, I mean it should be natural to help. So, I want him to have this bunny. Because bunnies are cute and he deserves something like this. ^^
Their username: user
Our story: We met each other through notification. I was talking about professor rowan's quest and he asked me about that. He was a new user at that time. but now he became one of the user I admired and he is even in rank list on dex competition. I sometime jelly him (sorry). We always talk each other every day. He will be my BFF forever ....♥
Their username: Pokemancer
Our story: Honestly, it was a wonder how we met. I saw him as the last visitor on someone else's profile, and decided to check him out. He seemed like a great guy, so I added him as my friend. I noticed that he had also joined PH just a little time after me.
I sent him a few plushies, and he reciprocated. After we got acquainted , We used to chat pretty much every alternate day about lots of stuff, but retaining Pokemon as the main topic. He was a great guy, who was content with little things, but had big aspirations.It was a pleasure to talk to him. He was also one of the people who regularly participated in Kurre's #InteractionLottery , and he still does. Both of us commented on each other's feeds often (not just ' exchange interactions' !)
Even though we have not chatted much in the last few weeks, due to us being online at different times, he is still a great friend, who does not hesitate to lend a helping hand to those in need, and is really easy to talk to, so long as you know him a little. He is one who does not repeatedly ask for battles or interactions.Then again,as of late....well his feeds have certainly been a bit unusual...
Even if I cannot win the bunearies for him and me, I have no regrets. He is a gem of a friend, whatever be the circumstance and I am happy to have him as one. This showcase is pride enough for me!

The Contrasting Berried Duo!
(The above artworks have been made by ChiipS and CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen respectively.)
Their username: mgmg
Our story: When I was a newbie, we added each other to our friendlist (I don't remember exactly when though). And yeah the first communication with him was when he PM-ed me how he knew where his ladyba was. I don't know from when, but from some point of time, he began to palpad me often (: I don't like palpadding people first, so I didn't have much of friends at that time. I talked with him very often since then. He kinda stalked me so I stalked him back (I know things not written in his about me now xD). He sent me much plushies, talked to me with interesting manner, and so on. And yeah he is now one of my dear best friend xD. I am writing this post after he informed me about this raffle actually (: (After giving me antidotes for my broken heart). Though he is quite inactive now because of his own education, he often palpads me despite of his busy schedule. And so I think that's how I got close with him. Many of my early friends left. Also, he is one of my few friends I added since when I was a newbie. ^^
(I hope this paragraph would be enough for the story part xD)
Their username: DarkDragon
Our story: Actually no one added each other in my story. He sent me a message cause hee wanted to buy some gems and then as we already chatted so much, i added him and so did he.We always have a fight for stupid reasons ... it can not even be called a fight. For eg.Who is more kawaii x3. We also have opened a breeding shop together (here) He is actually my big bro =O Whenever we chat he's like '*bows* Welcome to the conversation, my cute princess' He is my best bro.
Their username: 2Star_Princess
Our story:
Well, I noticed her post about the gems and sent her a message about it. But I was a bit suspicious before, coz she didn't have a Profile Pic then and we had a glitch on our PalPad's (the one with a guy as profile pic when someone don't have pic on'em).
Yeah, so after the trade, just to make sure, I went ahead and asked her "Are you a guy?" and well, that struck the ice, and we came a long way from there, to develop a strong and trustworthy relationship between us =D
Their username: Cinamomo <3
Our story: When I first joined, I didn't have that many friends, so I was looking through the notification wall. Suddenly, I saw a post she made, " anyone want to have a random palpad conversation?" I palpadded her whales and that was the beginning of our friendship :> <3
After that, it was just a smooth line, not crossing the friendship line, but one day I started crushing on her ;;;v; <3
We didn't get into a full relationship until the Valentine's of 2015 where I got stuck in a love triangle between two boys and her ;;v;
That's when I realized that she was the one for me and we became a couple <3
We skyped oftenly, but recently her computer broke so she couldn't Skype for a long time ;;v;
I love her because she is a sweet and kind little user <3 ;;v;
I don't care at all about our genders or anything ;;v;

She is one of the first Friends i made on here around my first week
We even shared an RPG Together before it shut down :,(
(Its PKMNJourney if your curious)
She also is nice to me and she is most awsomely awsome
~* i also love (Almost) everyone on Pokeheroes (exept those bad ones)
Their username: Kitkat
Our story: *clears throat* Ahem.. When I was a noob back then, I use to admire Kit because of her amazing art back then uwu I was kinda a mini stalker and I added her and everything but she didn't quite like me at that time.. She said she hated stalkers and wanted to kill me :'D But one day, one of my other friends introduced me to an RP on PH in the forums and it was the Karp Battle one (most of you wouldn't know about it tbh) and I noticed Kit participating so I was like "tIME FOR ME TO BEFRIEND SENPAI" so we were doing the RP blah blah and then we started talking on PalPad.. Kinda.. All we really did was say "Karp, Karp, Karp" back and forth and then we started saying words that rhymed with "Karp" most weren't even real words :'D So later on, we became friends.. Not too close friends tho. But then one day, Kit's PH mom adopted me so Kit and I were officially PH sisters which brought us really close. Now we text each other often, sometimes Facecam/FaceTime and other things other than PH! We still are amazing friends (and sisters) to this day :' ) So basically I went from Stalker to Closest friend ~ish X'3
(Hope this paragraph is good enough X'3)