Forum Thread
Kit x Samurott Post Apocalyptic
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Kit x Samurott Post ApocalypticMy character(s):
Rezar Arcalix Steelnine Eraflame
MegaShadowSamurott's Character(s)

Appearance: A normal Zoroark, changes
into a dark grey Zoroark with streaks of red when the moon comes
History: To be decided
History: To be decided
This will be updated as the RP goes on, if needed.))
The sun was just starting to rise in the sky. As the rays fell, an Arcanine fusion opened his crimson eyes and gave a smile. The cream fur around his head and chest moved as he got up from where he had been sleeping in an ally for the night. Things had been pretty rough for a few years now, and this life of trying to survive until things got better was pretty routine for him. He stretched his arms, shivering to shake out his dark brown fur and knock the dust off of his steel spikes and tail.
He had stripes along his body, the ones along his back actually being steel while the ones along his arms and legs were discolored fur. He wore a pair of pants that were black and had several pockets in them. He liked the pockets because he could store things he found in them for later use, such as food. His pants stopped just before his legs changed from more bipedal in shape to look digitigraded. (Like an animal who walks on their "toes" like a cat or dog.)
He dusted his pants off and lashed his tail around a little, then looked around and perked his ears to listen in case there was anyone around this morning. It was always a fifty-fifty chance that someone would walk by, and most of the time they were not friendly.
The Arcanine fusion gave a growl as he heard something, then sniffed at the air a little. It seemed like a Pokémon that hadn't been altered over time, so was still in its natural form. His tail swished a little, knocking against the wall and making a soft thud sound as he ran to the edge of the ally to see what he had heard.
When he got to the end, he looked left, then right, then held his breath as he saw a Zoroark that seemed to be a little unsteady on its feet.
What is that? he thought to himself, trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong and trying to figure out if it was worth his time to be seen by the possible threat of a stranger.
The Arcanine fusion growled at hearing the Zoroark cry out, then ran over to him.
"Hey, hold on!" he called out as he looked the other male over. He gave a click with his tongue, then moved to pick the other male up. The Zoroark's arm was pulled over his shoulder, and he half carried, half dragged the other guy into a building.
"Hey, wake up," he said as he lay the Zoroark down. He might not know if this was smart, but this fusion wasn't going to let someone else die in front of his eyes.