Forum Thread
~Endermen's Fan Club~!
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → ~Endermen's Fan Club~!You walk down the street, and stop when you see a weird old building that has a sign loosely hooked to it.
~Ender's Fan Club~!
Confused you walk inside-right into a portal.
You look around, and see a weird creature;
"Umm...are you here to join the club?"

State no and walk out the portal.
State yes.
If state yes:
"Oh, ok then! I guess I'll have to introduce you to the rules and everything!"

All PH rules apply.
Use the forms to join.
You have to have a good reason to be a mod.
There can't be more than 3 repeating Endermen names.
and....I think that'll be it...also, I like purple.
In contests, everyone can enter except for the contest maker.
And now we move on to the forms!

Normal Member Forms
Endermen Name:
Why you want to join:
What color does Endy like?:

Pendy(Endy, Owner)
Daster(Daster/Azrael, Moderator)
BreloomPlayz(Zephyr, Moderator)
HiddenGlaceon(Amethyst, Normal Member)
TailsPrower(Slendy, Normal Member)
PrototypedSadness(Onyx, Normal Member)
Atomi(Maxon, Moderator)
Emelicious(Clover, Normal Member)

Art Contest:
Draw an Endermen doing a certain pose/action!
-Angles will not be judged.
The action/pose is....
Fighting the Wither!
Star Piece=1st place
10k=2nd Place
1k=3rd Place
End Date: July, 20th, 2015
Any mods not entering the contest are judges!
Here, look at these masterpieces!
Art Gallery
Great! That's it! and if you want to advertise, simply use this banner made by the magical Daster:

Endermen Name: Zephyr
Why you want to be a mod: Some people want to be moderators when there are already like 10 (not really). Many people just beg to be a moderator. Some people just come to forums to make people mad like saying "Why was this forum created? This is Pokemon not Minecraft!"(That is just an example.)
What color does Endy like?: Red/Purple/Black

i love drampa so much
Endermen Name: Amethest (had a enderman follow me for awhile but not attack me so I named it amethest but then it died cuz of a creeper :,( *still sad about that*)
Why you want to join: to show my respects to amethest (I loved her :,<)
What color does Endy like?: purple