Forum Thread
Amarjeet's shop[closed]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Amarjeet's shop[closed]Rules:

1- All PH rules apply.
2- Please don't rush me! It takes me a little while to set stuff up.
3- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't get mad if I don't accept you offer!
4- Password- "pika pika" (put that on the "other" bit of the form!)
5- Don't even offer on a pokemon of mine if its not in my trade/sell and shiny hunt box. DO NOT EVEN TRY//
If you break any of these rules, you will get a warning, and after your 3rd warning you get banned from the shop!

Hi amarjeet! I want to buy something!
What you want:
Your offer:
current item stock

Pokeball - 592
Greatball - 26
Ultraball - 37
Grass gem - 39
Fighting gem - 41
Steel gem - 10
Dragon gem - 0
Electric gem - 68
Bug gem - 33
Fire gem - 8
Water gem - 7
Rock gem - 69
Normal gem - 135(not for sale)
Flying gem - 25
Ground gem - 44
Poison gem - 35
Dark gem - 32
Ghost gem - 3
Ice gem - 3
Psychic gem - 1
Fairy gem - 6
Evo / form change items-
Fire stone - 6
Dubious disc - 4
Thunder stone - 5
Shiny stone - 4
Weather balloon - 1
Razor fang - 1
Electilizer - 2
Whipped dream - 4
Spray duck - 9
Dawn stone - 7
Soothe bell - 9
Moon Stone - 7
Protector - 3
Burn Drive - 0
King's Rock - 0
Prism Scale - 2
Dusk Stone - 0
Dragon Scale - 0
Gracidea - 10
Deep sea scale - 1
Deep sea tøoth - 1
Boxes / Keys-
Mystery key GOLD - 0
Mystery key Pink - 1
Mystery Key Light Blue - 1
Mystery Key Brown - 0
Mystery Key Dark Blue - 0
Mystery Box Gold - 1
Mystery Box Purple- 1
Mystery Box Red - 0
Mystery Box Dark Blue - 1
Valuable -
Enigma Stone - 0
Relic Copper - 0
Relic Silver - 0
Old Skull Fossil - 1
Star Piece - 0
Battling Items -
X Sp. Attack - 1
X Sp. Attack 2 - 1
Mega Ables And Shinies
Username: PokeFlamey
What you want: The pink mystery key
Your offer: 8K PD?
Other: Pika Pika
|| My - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
What you want:all gems
Your offer:how much would it be
Other:no mre then 300 each