Forum Thread
The Unepic Diary of Epicness
Forum-Index → Diaries → The Unepic Diary of EpicnessSo, as you all know, I am Epic Shuckle.
My age? Well, I am an immortal being. I lost track a while ago.
My RL name? Epic Shuckle. 'Nuff said.
So, like I said, this will be edited to look fancier, once I can actually be bothered looking up the BBCode.
Peace out, y'all.
"No, Birdy. I scare birdies."
- Birdy the Scarecrow
Today, I caught the cold. Right now, I'm sniffling like heck. D: My head and stomach hurts. Yes, even the most epic and immortal of beings can catch the cold. And, it's really annoying. Oh well. At least I'm not throwing up.
I don't really have much to say today. So, peace out.
"My Rattata is the top percentage of Rattata."
- Youngster Joey
The cold has finally gone away. Well, almost. I'm not sneezing, but I still get headaches, and my nose is still running. Ugh...
Everyone I know is playing this game called Flappy Bird. It really irritates me. Along with CoD and Fifa, it's all they talk about. Honestly, it's annoying. >_< I don't see what's so great about it.
That's probably all I've got to say right now. Well, all I can be bothered typing. Peace out, guys. ^-^
...My brain is too tired to think of one right now...
Ugh, I doubt I have anything to write about right now... I haven't updated this in SOOO LONG. Wow. Seriously, what's wrong with me?
Well, here's at least SOMETHING. The closure of Valenth really hurt me inside. I really loved that site. Since '09 - '10 or so, when I joined. At least we have the Leupak Forums. That's a pretty great place. Sigh...
First Dragonadopters, now Valenth... Oh, and Sketchfu has shut down, too... Wow, what next?
I don't really have much to say. Goodbye.
....Do I really need to think of one right now? D: Ugh, here goes.
"Grr! Death to all who oppose me!"
- Shadow the Hedgehog (Yay...)
I don't really update this much, do I? xD
Well, my friends have fallen out for the millionth time.... Seriously, can they ever get along AND not fall out for AT LEAST a month? Apparently not. Oh well. It's none of my business, as it has NOTHING to do with me. In fact, it doesn't even involve me at all. Yay.
I just have to put this here. This tablet's keyboard REALLY annoys me. >_< Due to its smaller size than my own
Nothing much to put here. Peace out, I guess,

W-what?! How long was I gone for?
I really need to get on this site more. >_< When was the last time I got on, more than a month ago?! Ugh...
Is it just me, or do I now have barely any forum posts? I only have about, what, 28? I remember having way more... Did something happen while I was away, or what? ._. See, this is one of the reasons why I need to get on more...
Peace out, y'all.
I'm slowly finding out the stuff that has happened since I've been on... I dunno, semi hiatus? You can change the header banner. Great. :3 Not much else, actually. XD
Second day of summer. Second day of torture. My head hurts. My nose is running/blocked. I'm coughing like hell. I feel sick. I hate you, pollen allergies. You too, hay fever.
Not much else to say, actually...
Peace out, y'all. Have a great day.
"And you will be... just another meal to him!" *anti-piracy crash*
2 months. 2. Freaking. Months. God, I need to stop forgetting about this thing's existence. I haven't been very active, either. Real life plus other sites distracting me plus my tablet becoming very, very hard to turn on. Stupid power button. So, I've became kinda forced to use my brother's tablet. The wired internet has somehow became dodgy. By that, I mean it won't friggin' work. At all. So screw it, I said, I'm using his tablet. He's a little annoyed, shall we say, about that. Because I should be allowed to be on it for about 20 minutes, while he gets the whole day. Just like my laptop destroyed by his viruses, my DSi which he half-killed the top screen by hitting it several times off the ground, my DS which suffered a slow and painful death due to an 'accidental' kick to the back while I was playing it, and my tablet which almost suffered the same fate as my laptop with adverts clogging it up and apps downloading themselves onto it.
Oh, yes. The last part. He only borrowed it for about 20 minutes to "look up cheats", and when I got it back I found all that. How fun.
...I was going to put something else here, but I seem to have forgotten what it was. Oh well, nothing important.
Peace out, y'all. ...I sound like a weirdo...
"Look, a ramp! You can use it as a ramp!"
- Tails, Sonic Boom
2 months. Wow, really? I actually thought it would have been longer. Well, I'm back once again. What an unannounced hiatus. I may take another one, it really just depends on my mood and/or how busy I am to actually get on this. As well as actually being bothered. Really, I honestly can never tell when I want to take a hiatus, so they'll probably all be unannounced and rather short.
Well, where have I been? Egg Cave, PFQ, YouTube, and real life. Mainly real life. Because, come on, even a Shuckle has a life. There probably won't be much written in this entry.
Are y'all excited for Christmas? Because I am certainly not. Peace out.
So, I've been on this website for a full year (*confetti*), woo.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and has a wonderful New Year.
As the clock strikes 23:17 and the NY counter keeps on going, the Shuckle signs off for her last time in 2014. See you all next year, let's hope 2015 is just as wonderful.
"Random Quote:"
- EpicShuckle
Well, I abandoned this thing. Two years, huh? Well, happy late birthday to the site. I'm really glad I missed all of the good stuff. Yep, of course.
Also, happy birthday to the Shuckle herself
Just a random reminder that I honestly hate this username (like most of my usernames on sites), but changing it would feel oddly weird. As if it's grown attached to me or something
I'll try to be more active, though. I promise... maybe.
"yeah epicshuckle was a good idea for a username this is epic!!!"
- an idiotic kid in 2013
Yeah, I really need to be more active on this site. I've added it to my list of "sites I visit daily for a few seconds at the least to check up on them", which possibly means that I'm taking very, very small steps in the right direction here.
I don't have anything else to put here right now. I just wanted to put something here for once.
"I'm going to die on '60%' because my battery icon lies, LOL!"
- My laptop's battery.
I'm not scrolling up and reading what's said above. Immense cringe awaits and it's too early in the morning for that.
I'm trying to get a little more active on this site after all these years. Look, I've actually been participating in events rather than pretending they don't exist! If only I didn't do the same with MCW on PokeFarm Q. So many missing Mega Stones.
Yesterday was the start of E3 and my eyes were blessed with the stupidest, most DeviantArt-tier donut steal OC character design I've seen all month in the form of a goth Rabbid. Too bad the game's title got leaked beforehand, or else I would've actually been surprised to see a sequel to THAT, of all games.
Hopefully Legends: Arceus will be good, right? BDSP is looking immensely disappointing so far.
Doing classes during all of this lockdown stuff is way harder than first expected. Motivation is nonexistent and now I'm overdue on a lot of important stuff.