Forum Thread
Pokemon: Sinnoh Journeys
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Inactive RPs → Pokemon: Sinnoh JourneysTry to keep the appropriate for ages 8-99.
Your starter is from the region of your first game, or second (if you never played a game for some reason, any region is fine)
No legendary starters.
Only 1 legendary. Only exception is if it gets stolen and not gotten back.
Don't be like: Billy got Starly he fought the champion and won congratulations in 8 posts. Maybe 5 posts minimum for going to a town.
Ok form time.
Name in rp:
Native Region:
Appearance: (links or description)
RP Example: (atleast 2 sentences, no Josh ran to pokemart and bought pokeballs or among those lines)
Why you wanna join:
Final team:
Extra pokemon: (if none, write none)
Legendary: (if you want)
Title: My Application
Age: (i'm the creator, not necessary)
Native Region: Sinnoh
Starter: Piplup
Appearance: Brown hair that's very short.
RP Example: As Gliscor Used Aerial Ace, Bob's Donphan dodged and used rollout. Gliscor stealthily dodged, using poison jab on the poor Ground type elephant.
Why you wanna join: I'm not joining. I am the creator!
Final team: Empoleon, Staraptor, Dragonite, Haunter, Muk, Espeon.
Extra pokemon: Psyduck, Taurous, Ditto, Eevee, Garchomp, Gliscor.
Gender: Male
(I do release an Ivysaur...)
Age: 16
Native Region: Hoenn
Starter: Mudkip
Appearance: Auburn,light hair that goes up to her back,usually wears it in a ponytail.She wears a blue and gray baseball cap and a short sleeved jacket over her v-necked t-shirt.She also wears dark denim shorts,and sometimes she wears leggings under them. She also wears ankle high sneakers,and carries a bag to store her items.There is also a small pouch sown in her shorts that holds her Pokeballs.
RP Example: Kira ran to the Pokemon Center;her Pokemon were poisoned and close to fainting."Heal them up quick so I can continue on my journey,please." She made a mental note in her head to buy some Full Heals at the Pokemart.
Why you wanna join: I've RP'd with you before and it was really fun.
Final team: Typlosion, Metagross,Flygon,Aggron, Milotic, Altaria
Extra pokemon: Swampert, Staravia, Budew,Drapion,Gabite,Dragonair,Finneon
Gender: Female
Legendary: Manaphy
Age: 14
Native Region: Hoenn
Starter: Mudkip (This was the first Pokemon I ever picked. Ever. I was five. And it remains my favorite.)
Appearance: [X]
RP Example: Well....this was an RP post on another site that I just made. The tab was open, so Wynaut?

Ikari closed her eyes. What more could
she do with her illusion? There was the old "why are you hitting
yourself?" joke, but she had tired of that centuries ago. Instead,
she came up with a better idea. She leaned in toward the Solas
illusion, and kissed him. The action didn't mean much to her. She
had kissed plenty of boys before. Usually a push off a cliff or a
drowning followed, but those things aren't fun to do to illusions.
She pulled back.
"Hold on a sec," she said, "it should be right around...ah, there it is!" She took the illusion's other hand, and they hopped slightly towards each other at the same time. Instead of landing on the ground like they should, they instead fell straight through it, although the ground didn't even exist.
Ikari was now standing in the front hall of a large mansion. The Solas illusion had vanished after they fell through the ground. The mansion was warmly decorated. A fire was even burning in a fireplace in the next room. However, its feeling of emptiness made it seem eerie. Ikari smiled. Home sweet home. She had even made this place herself. It had taken forever to find a suitable spot for the magic, but this was her private retreat. She could stay here as long as she wanted. Ikari stretched out her arms and legs, yawning. Maybe she would switch back to fox form in a little while.
"Hold on a sec," she said, "it should be right around...ah, there it is!" She took the illusion's other hand, and they hopped slightly towards each other at the same time. Instead of landing on the ground like they should, they instead fell straight through it, although the ground didn't even exist.
Ikari was now standing in the front hall of a large mansion. The Solas illusion had vanished after they fell through the ground. The mansion was warmly decorated. A fire was even burning in a fireplace in the next room. However, its feeling of emptiness made it seem eerie. Ikari smiled. Home sweet home. She had even made this place herself. It had taken forever to find a suitable spot for the magic, but this was her private retreat. She could stay here as long as she wanted. Ikari stretched out her arms and legs, yawning. Maybe she would switch back to fox form in a little while.
Final team: Swampert, Aggron, Torkoal, Breloom, Flygon, Skaking.
Extra Pokemon: Kirlia, Salamence, Ninetales, Heracross, Mightyena, Skarmory, WAILORD.
Gender: Female
Legendary: Rayquaza

Actually let's start now. The other(s) can join in
It was a sunny day in Twinleaf town. As Cris, Kira and Navi started their journey. "Let's look in the box!" Cris opened the box, and inside were three pokemon. "These look weird...I pick the middle!" Cris threw the pokeball and a Piplup came out. "Piplup!" The Piplup used peck on Cris. "Not again..." Cris said in slight anger.
"Hey, wait a second, this is a Hoenn Pokemon," she said. "Oh well, I'd still prefer a Mudkip over a Turtwig. She picked up the Mudkip and patted its head. "I'm going to nickname it Skipper."
(Wasn't exactly sure where to go with this.)

Age: 12
Native Region: Kalos
Starter: Chimchar
Appearance: Picture
RP Example:

Part of a story RP I did in a Gaia
Online guild:
Robert read over the mission details, along with a folder which contained copies of the investigations. The collections building of EngeCo was Robert's primary destination. If anyone would have any sort of hidden documentation, it would be the place where trainers 'abandoned' their Pokemon in exchange for a cash sum. While the investigation covered everything that was legally done by the police on the company, no one seemed to have tried the illegal route: hacking.
Robert's late father worked as a white-collar hacker. That is to say, he was a hacker hired by software companies and security companies to find vulnerabilities in a system or program so that those security breeches could be fixed. However, it was also that same type of job for the police department that led to his father and mother's demise. His father's activities were traced by Team Orron after he had hacked into their database and gathered a roster of member names. They left him a nasty going away present: a car bomb.
Robert himself was a skilled hacker, taught by his father. Such a skill would prove to make or break what lay before him. With a mini laptop in his black backpack, his two Pokemon companions' Pokeballs attached to his belt along with one empty Pokeball, Robert picked up his hoverboard and went out into the dark of the night.
Robert stopped about a block away from the collections office. The building itself looked like a restored and modified warehouse, sitting out on a stretch by the Olivine City port. Robert went over and hid himself in the bushes overlooking the dock area.
"Here, get this shipment back to our Hoenn division. With this last group they should be ready for their grand opening next month. We'll load up the Pokemon you've brought us and inventory them." one of the men down at the docks spoke. Robert grinned as he listened in, unobserved. They were sending Pokemon from Johto to Hoenn and taking shipments from Hoenn. There was already talk of them expanding into Hoenn and Kanto, but that they'd send out Pokemon this far in advance?
Robert took out his laptop and hacker coder device from his backpack. Robert used the laptop to seek out any wireless hotspots. One of the hotspots he found was labeled 'EngeCo218'. It was a secured network, as he would have expected. Plunging in his coder device, Robert turned it on and activated it. The device went to work, tapping into the network and decoding out from it the password 'R1ch3ssX'. With the password displayed on the coder, Robert typed it in and tapped into the computer mainframe. Now he had to move fast. He had no idea how long it would be until someone discovered an extra computer on the server network.
Robert read over the mission details, along with a folder which contained copies of the investigations. The collections building of EngeCo was Robert's primary destination. If anyone would have any sort of hidden documentation, it would be the place where trainers 'abandoned' their Pokemon in exchange for a cash sum. While the investigation covered everything that was legally done by the police on the company, no one seemed to have tried the illegal route: hacking.
Robert's late father worked as a white-collar hacker. That is to say, he was a hacker hired by software companies and security companies to find vulnerabilities in a system or program so that those security breeches could be fixed. However, it was also that same type of job for the police department that led to his father and mother's demise. His father's activities were traced by Team Orron after he had hacked into their database and gathered a roster of member names. They left him a nasty going away present: a car bomb.
Robert himself was a skilled hacker, taught by his father. Such a skill would prove to make or break what lay before him. With a mini laptop in his black backpack, his two Pokemon companions' Pokeballs attached to his belt along with one empty Pokeball, Robert picked up his hoverboard and went out into the dark of the night.
Robert stopped about a block away from the collections office. The building itself looked like a restored and modified warehouse, sitting out on a stretch by the Olivine City port. Robert went over and hid himself in the bushes overlooking the dock area.
"Here, get this shipment back to our Hoenn division. With this last group they should be ready for their grand opening next month. We'll load up the Pokemon you've brought us and inventory them." one of the men down at the docks spoke. Robert grinned as he listened in, unobserved. They were sending Pokemon from Johto to Hoenn and taking shipments from Hoenn. There was already talk of them expanding into Hoenn and Kanto, but that they'd send out Pokemon this far in advance?
Robert took out his laptop and hacker coder device from his backpack. Robert used the laptop to seek out any wireless hotspots. One of the hotspots he found was labeled 'EngeCo218'. It was a secured network, as he would have expected. Plunging in his coder device, Robert turned it on and activated it. The device went to work, tapping into the network and decoding out from it the password 'R1ch3ssX'. With the password displayed on the coder, Robert typed it in and tapped into the computer mainframe. Now he had to move fast. He had no idea how long it would be until someone discovered an extra computer on the server network.
Why you wanna join: It's been a while since I last did a journey RP.
Final team: Infernape, Lopunny, Lucario, Milotic, Weavile, Mewtwo
Extra pokemon: Arcanine, Ninetales, Staraptor, Flygon, Mismagius, Vaporeon, Luxray
Gender: Male
Legendary: Mewtwo
Age: 13
Native Region: Kanto
Starter: Squirtle
Appearance: same as below.
RP example: I'm a bit unfamiliar with this site and stuff, so I will post a link to CS soon...
Why you wanna join: I like Pokemon and roleplaying.
Final Team: Blastoise, Luxray, Dragonair, Salamence, Gyarados, Darkrai
Extra Pokemon: Poliwhirl, Aerodactyl, Kingdra, Tentacruel, Pidgeot
Gender: Female
Legendary: darkrai

Avatar by Ninetales12
And then Mudkip came out of its Pokeball."Mud!Mudkip!"it cried,happily swimming in the water.