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The Journal Of a Arcanine

Forum-Index Diaries The Journal Of a Arcanine
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 02/06/2015 01:58 (9 Years ago)

June 1 2015

I walk to the closest town, Emera Town. I explore the town, I see a weird lab and go in it.

A nice person comes and pets me, he gives me a random egg, wonder what it is. I see a large field with a honey tree where I guess is free to take. I start eating some of the honey.Suddenly,a large man is staring before me. He takes me and puts me in a weird field with other Pokemon. He introduces himself, I am the Daycare owner. Your name is....

"Flare" I think.... No one replies to the man, I'll just name you Flare, what a coincidence. I sleep surged in a circle with the egg in the middle.

CRRRRRRRACK...... I wake up and stare at the thing in the middle where I had curled up, it was a growlithe... I was one a while ago... Got to take care of the little Growlithe, Bye!!!

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 02/06/2015 19:00 (9 Years ago)
June 2 2015

Hey so before I wrote this Entry I got 6 more eggs, so far one hatched into a male azurill I basically have 2 "pets" to take care of.Does anyone know what azurill eat? Anyways, The Daycare Owner is great even though I cannot sleep at night... It's difficult when Pokemon are whining all night long. I also met a friend, a Flareon. He's named Blaze we're alike, We both are fire types.When will the other 5 hatch, I will write to you later
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 03/06/2015 02:08 (9 Years ago)
Note:Do not write in!!!

June 3 2015

They all hatched, They were Corsola, 2 Ratata, and 2 Charmander. The Daycare owner gave me a giant field for my and my friends/pets. So the Growlithe,Azurill,Ratata,Corsola,Charmander,Ratata and Charmander basically play all day that is until.... They stumbled upon a Yvelta........ They were so frightened, even though it was just Wallpaper. After, I explained to them that it was just wallpaper on a billboard. I think they calmed down by now.


Don't tell me a Yvelta again, I look outside to see a moving, roaring Articuno. It swoops down to me and shows me its Talon p, a giant stick was yanked in there.... I pull it out with my canine teeth.It begins to stay with my friends/pets. Me and Articuno go to the lab, 12 new eggs!!! Got to take care of them

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 04/06/2015 01:59 (9 Years ago)
June 4 2015

So my 6 hatched, 1 Igglybuff, 1 Cleffa, 1 Drifloon, 1 Medicham and a nincada. They all evolved during the 6 hours of training I had with them! Articuno is still waiting for the other 6 to hatch.I barely have anything to write today so it's short bye!!!