Forum Thread
Ginger's Adventure part 2
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Inactive RPs → Ginger's Adventure part 2form for trainer:
trainer name:
pic (optional):
form for pokemon:
name (optional):
pic (optional):
my form:
pokemon: Fennekin
gender: female
name: ginger
pic :

you come across a trainer kneeled on the ground crying, you come down in front of her and wipe away her tears. "Ginger has gotten lost, she ran off looking for berries and hasn't come back! she has been gone for some time now and I think something bad has happened to her... can you find her for me?" she looked at you pleadingly and you nod your head. "thank you! here, take this amulet... it will help you, if you get lost in the forest, you can push the red orb in the middle of it and it will summon a xerneas to help guide you back on your path." she hands you a golden necklace with a ruby orb in the middle, you put it around your neck and set off,
you come to the middle of the forest, in the corner of your eye you see a golden tail disappear into a bush. the pokemon steps out and its a fennekin! "hello?" it looks at you, it looks frightened. "im ginger... I got lost in these woods can you... wait! that's Nicole's amulet!" she looks at the necklace the trainer gave you. "so your Ginger? your trainer sent me to find you.." you look at her and go up to her, but before you can get close a flash of red bursts through the tree's and swipes the amulet, but right as they came, they left.
you need to find that amulet, and get Ginger home!
MoltresMaster1= oshawott Frozenfire
kaybird98= deino
koin= trainer yuu
digantapal1= infernape
blackscorpion2= shiny shinx Lucifer
phydraz= mienshao miko
epicshuckle=zoroark zorro
minato= Pikachu minato
zorgedlikesfroakies= trainer zorged
ghostgem=sableye snowgem
taichi35= skrelp
ariace= trainer araice
cynderrocks78= Fennekin Ginger
ginger let out her psybeam from the hole, the attack heading towards zorro, Ginger shot out of the hole, following the psybeam with a flame wheel.
continuing the fight with epic shuckle and you can still sign up!
i think it would be cute if a fire type and water type would be together XD its like skitty and wailord
(Huh? What's that?)
She listened for one of them to react, and heard Ginger.
"The amulet!"
(That's the amulet?)
She watched them, especially the Quilava. Her charging Night Daze grew stronger.
Just to say, she's still a Haxorus. Should I make her a Zoroark, or keep her Haxorus?