Electric is my favourite. Shinx is so cool! And also very adorable
style="width: 100px; height: 126px; border: 0"
scrolling="no"></iframe> You are safe now. The Magical
Pony is here. XD
I've always loved Water-types & Staryu honestly.
I also really like Electric & Poison types and I'd have to say
Luxray & Gengar are those respective favorites.
Steel type for me, I love most of the Steel Pokemon and my fave is
Aron/Lairon/Aggron (Aron being the cutest and Aggron being the
coolest *u* )
I'd mention psychic because my second fave is Mega Mewtwo Y but I'm
not a big fan of psychic types (Ignoring the Steel/Psychic and
Psychic/Steel of course! <3)
My favorite Pokémon has been and always will be charizard. Fell in
love with him in the anime and my red version game he just has a
way of stealing your heart.
I absolutly love Water-Types♥ My Starter Choice was always water
(Grass-Type in sun and moon *^* it's so fluffy♥) So Pokemon like
Mudkip or like Dratini are my absolutly favorite Pokemon:*