Forum Thread
Fanasty Rouges *warrior cat rp* open and accepting
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Fanasty Rouges *warrior cat rp* open and accepting(Rules)

1 all ph rules apply
2 you can have odd fur or eyes-no wings thou- also horns
3 no magic also you can have up to 30 cats only I they are active
4 no bunning -playing as another carater
5 Guess what! There is no way we are going to make a clan! But there are clans.
6 if you don't post for over 7 days your cat will be dead unless you have a reason
7 ask to be mates with someone or kill them with out asking
8: password :Ayla
9 please don't post twice or post when not accepted
10 you can have warrior names only if you put you were in a clan.
11 last one- 3 warnings and if forum not accepted then you can remake it 5 times
Now tell me about you
Oh yeah here mine

Name: fallstar
Age: 39
Gender: female
Appearance: a brown she-cat with blue eyes and white paws and tail tip. Black, dark and light brown spots
Family: none
History: was kicked out the clan when she became leader so she became a rogue
Password: don't need to
Other: has 3 tail and a pair of horns
Name: cloud
Age: 17
Gender: male
Apprerance: pure white with blue eyes and black ear tips. Wears a purple collar
Family: angel snow
History: born as kitty-pet but and went to a clan but was rejected and lives with his brothers
Password: nupe
Other: dragon eyes and 6 tails with long fangs
Name: angel
Age: 17
Apprerance: white with silver wings(pattern) on his back with left amber and the other blue eyes. Has a red collar
Family: snow and cloud
History: same as clouds
Password: nupe
Other: hawk eyes and 4 tails and long claws
Name: snow
Gender: male
Apprerance: white with amber eyes and a black tail tip. Has a green collar
Famliy angel and cloud
History same as angels
Password: nupe
Other: wolf tail -long and fluffy- and dragon eyes has long ears
Snow cloud angel and fallstar -Hawkpaw
Midnight -Eeveesong360
Greybrook fern pale and honey -MooMooMalk
Rejected/kicked out or warnings
Age: 18 Moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: Has black pelt with a scar on right eye
Family: Family died while trespassing into clan territory, she was the only who survived
History: Midnight was one of those cats that the clan cats don't trust, they think of her family suspicious, so her family decided to leave one night, but during that night, a patrol caught them, Midnight was the only one that survived, or at least she thought she was the only one...
Password: Hai :3
Other-horns or no-: She has purple eyes in the morning, but her eyes change to blue at night (if you accept that) and she is Open for a mate
(Question: Are there mates in this?)
Age: 13 moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: Jet black cat with purple eyes, is very skinny and has an unusually long tail
Family: None
History: She was born as a rogue and ran away from her family.
Password: Ayla
Other: She is very fast. She likes to run off whenever she feels like it. She doesn't have a horn.
Name: Tiger
Age: 17 moons
Gender: Male
Appearance: Orange cat with black stripes and amber eyes
Family: None
History: He was originally a kittypet, but ran away to be a rogue
Password: Ayla
Other: He doesn't have a horn.
Name: Daypaw
Age: 6 moons
Gender: Male
Appearance: Light brown cat with white belly, socks, and blue eyes
Family: In the clan
History: He was an apprentice from a clan, but instead chose the life of a rogue
Password: Ayla
Other: He lives alone. He is very childish and playful, and most of the time doesn't take things very seriously. He doesn't have a horn.
Age 17
Gender Female
Appearance Cream cat with white underbelly and green eyes. Has three cream colored tails with white tips
Family Pale and Greybrook
History Her mother ran away from her clan and lived as a rouge. Soon she made friends with Fern and is often found with the other she.
Password Ayla
Name Pale
Age 20
Gender Male
Appearance Light grey cat with white paws. Has two fluffy tails and blue eyes.
Family Honey and Greybrook
History His mother ran away from the clans and gave birth to them as a rouge. He usually guards
Password Ayla
Name Fern
Age 35
Gender Female
Appearance Here
Family Dusktail/dead
History She was a loner ever since birth and soon met Honey. The two would often spend most of their time together
Password Ayla
Name Greybrook
Age 42
Gender female
Appearance A light grey cat with a white underbelly and green eyes.
Family Pale and Honey
History She ran away from her clan and gave birth to Pale and Honey. She is now old and guarded by Pale.
Password Ayla
(Let's start)
Fallstar was running from the clan and ran up into a tree with cats walking around looking for her.
Cloud angel and snow played with a small puppy they meet not to long ago
Age: 15 moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: A sleek grey and white she-cat. Her fur fades from grey to white in several places as shown in the image. Her eyes are a deep green-blue in color and she has a bob-tail.
Family: She doesn't know who they were or much about them.
History: Storm was the daughter of two medicine cats, originally born in a clan. Once it was discovered, only 5 moons old, she was abandoned and left in the rain. She became tough on the outside, her original kindness rarely showing as she raised herself outside the clans.
Password: Ayla
Other: She's a perfectly normal cat with no oddities like horns.

Free ran through the forest with her tail trailing behind her. She closed her eyes at the breeze flowing into her face and smiled.
Tiger stalked a bird in his territory and pounced, killing it in a quick bite.
Daypaw slept soundly in a tree, his tail and his back paw hanging off the branch. He drifted awake, but paid no attention to the position he was in that left him exposed, and fell asleep again.
Fallstar hopped across the trees holding no one would see her
Tiger dragged his bird to his den, but heard a faint rustling. He looked up and dropped the prey, spotting a cat in the trees. He knew they were heading away from his territory, but curiously, he followed after it.
Cloud took the young puppy home and walked off to meet up with his brothers. As the brothers meet up they went in a small cave. The cave had crystals all over making the place shine with light. The brothers covered the entreance with moss and other things to make it seem like a real rock. Angel walked over to a silver cystal and sat next to it. Cloud walked over to a blue one and went to sat next to it. And snow went over to a orange one and sat next to it.