Forum Thread
[L] Absol Plushie Lottery - Win a shiny!
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L] Absol Plushie Lottery - Win a shiny!Prize/s; yep I know you want to know this first, ofc :b
Lugia egg voucher
Retro egg voucher
Yup, there are three prizes! Therefore, three random picked winners! The first winner will pick among the three prizes (the shiny is thought to be the first prize though, but if the winner wants one of the vouchers they can get it), the second winner among the two left and the third gets the remaining!
Hopefully I shall be able to get some more prizes before the deadline, it always depends on how fast is people xux;
(If it wasn't clear, breaking rules = invalid entry)
Some short rules:
-No begging, be respectful to others etc.
-ONLY Absol plushies count, any others won't count for the lottery (but I appreciate all plushies sent)
-Do NOT send the plushies until I confirm, this is for example in case someone offers 5 plushies when I just need 2 to reach the deadline. In such case 2 would count, but not the other 3 ^^;
Alright, now, what to do to buy tickets? very easy.
Send me an Absol plushie (40 DP) per ticket you'd like to get!
Obviously minimum quantity you must send to enter is 1 Absol plushie.
Maximum? There is none! You can send let's say 10 Absol plushies to get 10 tickets!
--However don't be exaggerated. Let's say I need 400 plushies to reach the deadline...don't be sending like 300 of them LOL.
But, when does this end? It will when I reach 1,000-1,010* Absol plushies in my collection! After that, I will be picking the winners :3 You can enter anytime before I reach that quantity, but not after.
I suggest you that if you want to enter with many tickets, you buy at least one as soon as you can in case I reach the number before you can send the other plushies. That way you'll have for sure one chance of getting a prize :3
(*1,010 because my current number while doing this lottery is 609)
To buy tickets, fill the form
Quantity of plushies you'll be sending:
Ticket numbers: (1-401)
Anything else?
Tickets taken/available - there will be max. 401 tickets!

All 401 open - I will be adding the numbers as people ask me
Now, good luck all!
Quantity of plushies you'll be sending: 10
Ticket numbers: 16..99....134...179...182.....243........300.......293......264....387....
Any color of mystery boxes & keys
Except Gold keys
~Common gem~
~Normal gem~
PalPad me!