"If you're so mighty why do you still remain under lock and key? I
think you should put that mind to use." Cynthia growled in
response, her tail twitching in agitation.
"Thank you Cynthia. You are arranged to have an extra meal of
[insert whatever ferrets eat here] later today for being so
respectful, unlike other specimens in this wing." Werus was one of
the stonger mutants though, and 1-0 knew it, but she also knew
exactly how it would react if she electocuted it, so she smiled
smugly knowing she had the power on the situation.
(Her weakness is obvious, water, because she is technically a
computer) "Yes, but I dont need that knowledge because i live in
reality instrad of monster doggy land."
Cynthia seemed to grin at 1-0. "Thank you, 1-0." she replied.
Well, extra birds today. That should certainly sit well in this
empty stomach of mine. She purred in her mind. She softly
yipped to Werus, "Then act wise, please." She then curled in a ball
and began to snooze.
"ya know there's a very wise scientist there who taught strategies
of combat, bad for you if you didn't kept that knowledge, and if
could be, you could new love is stronger than anything"
(I looked it up. Ferrets eat meat! I thought they ate plants like
hamsters oh my gosh i am so stupid) "that love is not stronger than
me. When a loved one moves away, it can cause insanity and
"yeah and? there's hope and i till hope my friends are alive, they
care for each other and trust each other two, you are the opposite
of that, you are cold, Smartypants, and really talkative, you also
don't trust many people" said werus
"experiment W1278 is disrespecting lab staff. Report to scientist.
Punishment will be arranged." She said. She yawned, becoming tired
of arguing, and she needed to charge her solar penels, so she
fellaslerp on that ledge by Werus's window.
Cynthia jumped at the word trust. She softly mumbled, "Trust is
hard to come by in places like these because we- excuse me- you,
try to escape, rebel, retialiate, thus causing trust to be
destroyed within this particullar lab." A broken trust is what
brought me here.. She grimly remebered, trying not to remeber
the enitity that ushered her in.
Cynthia stared at the multi-headed being. She scoffed, then saying,
"Even if I did say yes to this preposterious question, how do you
plan on making me meet them when i'm in.. I dunno. a CAGE?!" She
then angrily tried to resume her sleep by flopping down on the
"its not a demon dog world, and its not even mine, it was created
by Maxwell, he made us know us better, fine, if you don't want to
go away from this corrupted world.. and they also accept anyone as
they are, like me, they accepted me, even a spider boy-thing" said
(nope, and btw what red said about blue is a lie, so it couldn't be
hit with electricity by 1-0 Maxwell (used to be William Carter
Puzzles) isn't Maxwell acahala is another Maxwell)
Red grinned
" looks like that cat girl didn't heard what I said"
"Don't sass the robotic cats." She said with a smirk, and jolted
electricity into the heads of Werus. It sparked and fizzled in blue
light, electricuting Werus.